Best Sites for Unbiased News

Updated on April 14, 2011
D.P. asks from Beverly Hills, CA
22 answers

What sites/channels/stations do you like for UNBIASED, factual reports for the news?

Which do you feel are too slanted one way or the other?

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answers from Seattle on

My favorites for all around general news are:

State Department (go to their website)
National Geographic
The Smithsonian Institute
Popular Science
Red Cross

I put NGS, Disc, SI, & PS on the list, even though they are magazines/websites actually in part BECAUSE they are magazines. Their articles are researched a great deal more than the standard news outlet, and they're not going for sensationalism (well... popular science kind of does... but in the geek sense).

NPR just had an outside agency try to find bias, and they couldn't overall (except in callers... which would heavily bias according to region). I've noticed over the past 10 years they tend to slant away from whatever party is in power... which doesn't quite seem the same to me as unbiased. I love NPR, but that may very well be because I'm a mid-liner who votes both Dem & Rep

I avoid Fox like the plague, but most of the other TV news outlets are near as bad. If I'm going to listen for soundbites I go for Stewert, Colbert, Mahr... but that's more for "listening to a friend's interpretation of the news" than the news itself. Which is what it seems like most TV Broadcast News Companies have gone for. Instead of REPORTING the news... they're INTERPRETING it. I'll stick with Comedy Central's interpretations. At least then I leave laughing, instead of crying over that which I have neither control nor impulse to devoting my life to try and carve out some control.

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answers from Portland on is terrific. They take great pains to present all possible angles on every story and news event. And the range of reporting is impressive. You can also listen to many stories on the website.

I am genuinely horrified by what I hear on Fox news. Opinions are so vehement and divisive. No wonder politics is becoming ever more polarized – it's not a good sign for this country I love.

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answers from Phoenix on

I only know of the mainstream ones. Fox News is great. Some posters were saying they are right wingers but I'm a right winger and Fox News takes both sides. It was more evident when Bush was President. =) God's World News is good too. I can't stand NBC. =)

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answers from Chicago on

Most news media is very liberal especially NPR.

Why does everyone think Fox is way to the right? Greta is independent, O"Reilly is overly kind to Obama & goes overboard with making sure he gets lots of liberals on there, IMO. Geraldo is liberal. Hannity is way right (which I am fine with) but he is like watching a re-run all day. Beck drives me nuts because he is soooo accurate BUT way to animated so I cannot watch him. Personally I watch Greta & O"Reilly to get fair unbiased news.

CNN (communist news network) & MSNBC are too far left for me. I love to read Charles Krauthammer, Michele, Malkin, Ann Coulter. And I love to listen to Rush. I am far right, lol

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answers from St. Louis on

Oh holy heck!! I just read your what happened!!! Yeah, NPR is very biased, they slant liberal, very liberal. Kinda like the opposite of Glen Beck without the insanity amusement factor. :p BBC, hello? They don't hate Americans as much as the French but don't expect an invite to dinner either. BBC will blast anything we do that may impact their economy even if they do it too.

Most news shows slant liberal and ALL of them have biases. What is more important is to know and understand the biases. I read the Wall Street Journal while I am at work. When an article interests me I google other sources. Since the truth lies somewhere in the middle I get the real news.

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answers from Iowa City on

I find BBC to be fairly unbiased. MSNBC and Fox are clear front runners in being slanted.

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answers from Daytona Beach on

are there any? i haven't found any yet. i watch fox. yes, they are republicans. (i'm independant) but i have to say that they are pretty good about putting both sides issues on and debating. at least for me. i know quite a lot of people don't like them. but i believe the have the highest news ratings for cable tv.

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answers from Dallas on

I won't get into what station I feel is so far slanted that it's a joke, not even what you could concievably call news. At least Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart have the integrity to admit they're just pretending to be newsmen. I wish some on Fox would do the same.
They crack me up by the way.
For news during the day - I go to Google News, because they have it broken down into local, us, world, money, sports, entertainement, etc. So you cannarrow down to what you are interested in. Then they have headlines listed and under each headline there are several choices of source for the story. For Instance - headline might say giant tsunami hits Haiti, then under it are links to ABC news, MSNBC, BBC America, a local newschannel in Haiti. They compile the list of headlines based on whats trending online all over the world right that minute and the news sources are the most popular sources for the story.

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answers from Seattle on

Fox News is where it's at.


A while back, I did some informal reporting for a local newspaper. I realized how difficult (impossible?) it is to write without ANY bias. Often, our bias is in what we leave out, rather than how we phrase what we have included.

I love Democracy Now. It is biased, and I like to listen to it with that knowledge.

I also enjoy BBC and Financial Times. If we're including magazines, I love National Geographic. Apart from that, I browse through google news and read AP articles that strike my fancy.

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answers from Dallas on

Fox News. I don't agree with everyone on it but it is rated #1 for a reason. I love that it drives Mr Obama crazy that he can't control it like he does all the others! We actually get to hear both sides instead of just the liberals opinions.

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answers from Dallas on

Well what I do is listen to both sides and make my own mind as to what is accurate and important to me. I personally lean towards Fox News however because they seem to be more accurate. The mainstream media is so blatantly biased towards the left, I say this because they will intentionally leave out stories that would be considered harmful to a certain political party, however if it was about the other, they had no problem broadcasting it. But I still will view both and determine what is true from that. Usually the truth is somewhat in the middle. I do however wish that reporters/newstations would just report the facts and trust that we are grown up enough to decide what to think for ourselves. We do not need our hands held.

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answers from Sacramento on

CNN is pretty neutral. I agree -- Fox is only for right-wingers and MSNBC is geared more for those with views to the left.

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answers from San Diego on

BBC news & Associated Press are two good ones. I do look at CNN and it's OK.
I loathe Fox, opinion is not news and it never has the facts.
I enjoy watching Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert. It is the only way to tolerate the insanity that has become "news reporting".

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answers from Pittsburgh on

It really doesn't seem to me like there is any such thing any more. Journalism is a joke - there's no art to it anymore. Even basic things like flow and grammar are of very poor quality and there is so much blatant, trash reporting out there now. It's a disgrace on both sides. = /

I usually check Drudge report for the latest headlines and then cross reference stories of interest to gain a few different angles. Lately, though, I can't get up the energy to do all that work. Someone just give me the facts, please, and spare my having to do so much work!

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answers from Chicago on

The Christian Science Monitor website. Started reading the paper in journalism school and it is still O. of the best, by far. It is a secular paper and does not evangelize.

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answers from Honolulu on

We have DISH network, and foreign channels. European channels.

ON these channels, the news reporting is just that, news reporting.
Not emotion based 5 second "opinions" on what is going on in the world. AND you get, "world" news. Not, Ego-centric nation-centric, self-interpreted news.
It is, world news. Unbiased.
And from, real sources.
Not News Casters pretending to be 'experts' in the field.

The news on these channels, are also, not sound bites or teasers or flashy fast paced news based on capricious opinions, nor are the New Casters "celebrities" who are egocentric.

That is the difference.
These news channels, are not, sophomoric.
And they really get into the story lines or news. Not just giving you 3 second capsules as a chaser.

You will see news on these channels that you do NOT see, in the USA. The mainstream news here, is filtered and censored. But many do not know that. And you do not see, the realness, or facts, of what is really going on, world wide.

I personally cannot.stand.Fox.News.
That is not, news.

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answers from Boca Raton on

Since I can't take pharmaceutical ads every 5 minutes I have ceased watching almost all mainstream news.

I love C-SPAN, and get other news by reading it online. is O. of my favorites, as well as HuffPo (though they got bought out by AOL). I'm a conservative but I do like these sites.

I'm always amazed at how much the news gets wrong too. When you read your news you tend to get many more details (though print can be slanted too).

Good question.

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answers from Anchorage on

They are all slanted at least a little, but fox is the worst to the right, and MSNBC is pretty far left.

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answers from San Francisco on

I read through what's posted on Google News. They aggregate news from a lot of different sources so you can read through a bunch of different opinions and make your own decision on what you think. I like being able to see what both sides are writing and then put together my own opinion from there. :)

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answers from Washington DC on

I don't know if you can get completely unbiased news or certainly anyone who doens't have a problem with O. of them. I instead prefer to get news that gives me tons of informaiton to I can learn about something. Most news shows either give snippets that are nothing more than headlines or are talk shows instead of investigative reports. I love NPR. They talk to the audience in an educated manner. And their interviews and discussion programs are balanced ans ask interesting quesitons. I can make my own decisions if you talk to me like an adult.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Biased reporting isn't just whether the story presented is slanted O. way or another. Some news outlet just doesn't report stories that goes against their philosophy. I usually read several sites to get all news I'm interested in,,, london telegraph, der spiegel, india times, ny times, etc. the london telegraph is more in-depth reporting than bbc. I stay away from cnn, fox, msnbc -- only the popular news get on there. india times is very entertaining.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I don't think there is such a thing anymore. I used to think only the local news was decent, and they've even jumped the shark too many times for me. I 'like' Associated Press on Facebook to get news, but they've been slanted several times because of who was reporting. I prefer The Colbert Report :)

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