Betimes for 18 Month Old

Updated on July 26, 2008
M.K. asks from Greer, SC
44 answers

What time do you guys put your little ones to bed? My son is 18 months & I would like to hear from some mom's about what time they put their 18 month old to bed. I would also like to know what time they wake up? Thanks.

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So What Happened?

I have my son on a schedule and have since he was about 4 months old. I was wondering if I was putting him to bed too early. However, after reading the responses we will keep our current routine. He goes to bed aroung 7 and gets up around 6.

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answers from Atlanta on

Hi, I have a 16 month old son and we usually put him down at 7:30pm/ 8pm and he wakes up around 8am. He takes one nap a day from about 12pm - 2pm.



answers from Spartanburg on

My daughter has never been on a schedule and she is 2 1/2. Lots of parents push their children to be on a certain schedule but its actually easier for us to just go with the flow.



answers from Augusta on

I have a 22 month old little girl, and she usually goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and sleeps until 7:00 or 7:30 each morning. I pretty much keep her on the same schedule 7 days a week.

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answers from Charleston on

My younger son is 23 months, and I think around 18 months he dropped his morning nap. Now he naps from 1 (or 2, really, after he and his brother discuss a few issues) to about 4 and goes to bed between 7:30 and 8, getting up around 7:30. I think that's in line with recommended sleep times for this age -- 13-15 hours/day.

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answers from Charleston on

Hello M.,

I love that your little one and my little one are the same age. My son was also born in December 2006, but on the 15th. Anyway, I have a daughter who is 3 yrs. old (also born in December 2004, but on the 8th) and I start bedtime around 7 p.m. I put her down first because like me she falls asleep easier and she's the heavy sleeper. As for my son, he is in the bed by 7:30 p.m. and because of our routines he knows when I pull out his nighttime book to read he wants his blanket and his stuffed puppy. He gets sung two songs and then he points to his bed and down he goes. He wakes up at 6:00 a.m. every morning and my daughter wakes up at 7:00 a.m.

I hope this helps a little bit. Take care and happy mothering! Isn't it fantastic to know that your son thinks you hung the moon and the stars? Wait till he gets older (like my daughter) starts talking and telling you that he loves you all the time - make a note to self ..... carry tissues because those Kodak moments get you every time! :)


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answers from Atlanta on

I work nights and like to get a little nap in the mornings before my kids ( 7 1/2 yrs and 2 1/2 yrs) get up. We have always put our kids to bed a little later than most, usually between 9 and 10. 9 on school nights and 10 on weekends and summer. If allowed to sleep until they wake up they usually sleep until 8 or 9 regardless of what time they go to bed. I don't know what I'd do with a 6 o'clock riser!!!



answers from Atlanta on

My 18 month older is now 28 years old. I recommend that you put him to bed no later than 8:30 every night. You need to be consistent every night. My son wike up about 7 every morning. Remember consistency is the key. J. Gordon



answers from Atlanta on

My son is almost 2 and he sleeps about 10 hours at night...from about 10:00p.m. to 8:00a.m., give or take 30 minutes to each of those times. He stays up later than most kids, but we actually like it that way. We can stay out later and enjoy more evening family time and not have to worry about being home at 7 or 7:30 to put him to bed.



answers from Atlanta on

My son is 13 months old. He goes down between 9 and 10:30 p.m. and wakes up between 7 and 9 a.m. It really depends on your family's schedule. As long as your son is allowed to sleep until he wakes himself up, it doesn't matter if he goes down at 8 p.m. or midnight. Just pick what works best for your family and then gradually move him to that schedule and then stick to it.



answers from Charleston on

Hi M.!

This is such a hard age because they want to stay up and be with you! With our daughter at 18mo, she was always in bed between 7-7:30pm and woke up between 6:30-7:30am. She took 1 nap for about 2 hours. She needed lots of sleep and this just suited her. My son who is 12 months goes to bed at 6:15pm and is up between 6:30 and 7am. He is too tired to stay up any later, and if he does, we all pay for it the next day with a fussy baby.

I'm all for earlier bedtimes because it gives me a chance to have time with my husband, and finish whatever I didn't get done that day! Watch your son's cues - does he get cranky after dinner? Yawning? Rubbing eyes? If so, give him a bath and put him to bed. This is has worked for us!

Hope this helps! Happy parenting!



answers from Savannah on

Hi M.~

My little one is almost 22 mos now and her bedtime has been 8:30 at night for quite some time now. (since about 12 mos or younger?) Also she generally wakes about 7:30-8:00 in the morning. Her nap during the day generally last for about an hour and a half to two hours sometimes longer but that's the norm for her. (she had more nap time when she was younger though)

Kustom Kids Boutique


answers from Myrtle Beach on

Hi! My daughter who will be 18mths on the 13th, has been going to bed between 7 and 8 every night for a good while now. She will get up between 7 and 8 sometimes 830 in the morning! She still takes 2 2 hour naps one morning and one afternoon, I NEVER let her sleep past 330 though, that is asking for trouble for us, she would than not go to be until 10 or 11. I have the earlier she goes to sleep the later she sleeps in the morning, I know that sounds weird, but that is what works for us! She also eats dinner before my husband comes home from work, gets a bath, and than she can snack with while we eat, but once we are done eating she gets a lot of play time with daddy, instead of having to bathe and all that stuff. I hope this helps you!



answers from Atlanta on

I put my 18month old down at 8:30 or 9(Usually closer to 9)
and he wakes up between 6am-7am. This schedule works for me since I have to get up at 6 anyways. He takes one nap in the day from 1130-2pm.
It took us a while to get on a solid schedule. Also I have found my boy much harder to schedule than my girl was.
Hope this helps-good luck
S. B.



answers from Atlanta on

12 mo. old twins and we put them down by 8pm, wake up about 7a.m.



answers from Savannah on

I actually have a question for you. I work part-time as well but couldn't find a part-time daycare. I pay full-time tuition. Do you pay full-time or part-time tuition?



answers from Atlanta on

M. my name is K. i am an inhome daycare provider i put my son to bned at 730 when he was that he is eight and he goes to bed at 8 oclock and does not wake up until 7 oclock.



answers from Atlanta on

both my kids 4 years old and 20 months old go to bed at 8pm and wake up around 7am.



answers from Charleston on

20 month old girl 8pm to 6am. 1 nap 2.5 hours.



answers from Atlanta on

Bedtime for us is 8-830pm. My son is 2 and he has been on this schedule for a while. He sleeps until 830 and either my husband or myself gets him up after we shower. He is still in his crib and is fine rolling around for a bit. Every child is different and unfortunately some don't sleep as much as every parent would like them too. I have another on the way due in july and I hope the sleep patterns are the same. The only other thing I can think of that would affect sleeping is nap schedule. My son only naps once a day at 1pm until about 330pm so that way he is tired at bedtime. Hope that helps.



answers from Atlanta on

My 4th child threw us for a loop! She is now 2yo and is actually better about the bedtime than before. Right now, she typically goes to bed about 10 or 11pm and gets up around 10:30am...sometimes even 9am.

Yes, that is actually better than before....before she would go to bed around midnight or 1am...I remember once it was about 4:30am....I crawled into bed just before my husband woke up.

It is now 10:30pm...I've been gone for a couple of hours. She fell asleep early because I had to wake her up early this morning to go and get my mother from the hospital. Get this now. She fell asleep at 8pm and will wake up in about 30 minutes at 11pm. She always does this if she goes to bed before 10pm.

Not normal, I know. I didn't have this problem with my boys.



answers from Atlanta on

My kids sleep 12 hours including my 8 month old. I put them to bed at 8pm and they get up around 8am.



answers from Athens on

Hi M.!

My 19 month olds get a bath at 8pm, eat some cereal right after, and drink some milk. Usually by 9pm they are out; some days 15 min early even. They wake up at about 7 am every day but take a 2hr nap in the afternoon.



answers from Savannah on

I don't think there is a right or wrong answer for this question as long as you are consistent. My son is 26 months and has been going to bed at 10:00-10:30 for a long long time now. He sleeps about 12 hours everynight. I know some people think this is too late, but it works greats for our schedule. I myself prefer to sleep in a little, so this schedule allows me to do this plus still have a little personal time in the morning. It really all depends on your schedule. If you have to wake up early for work or daycare then I would try to put him to bed 12 hours before that. Hope this helps.



answers from Atlanta on

I just wanted to say that we're another family with an early bedtime. My 20 month old goes to sleep around 7:30 and wakes up around 6:30. He is still taking 2, 1 and a half hour naps a day. Obviously, he requires a lot of sleep!! I've tried moving to one nap and a later bedtime, but it always backfires. So, I've resigned myself to continue watching and following his cues with sleep. If he doesn't get this exact amount, he is incredibly ornery and unhappy. A happy baby helps to make a happy Mama; so, I do my best to offer him sleep when he needs it.

Sleep has been our constant struggle. Good luck!



answers from Charleston on

my daughter is 14 months and i am a SAHM and she goes to bed at 9:30 - 10:00 and wakes up at 9:30 - 10:00. But as i've learned with my little one you have to do what works best for you and your family.



answers from Augusta on

My son is 3 yrs old and has been going to bed at 7 pm on the dot for a couple of years now. It's been scooting closer to 730 lately because of stalling , taking forever to go to the bathroom, brushteeth etc. And he sleeps 12 hrs or more . I prefer the more lol.



answers from Atlanta on

Hi M.,
My daughter and her newborn moved in with me and I will tell you what I told her.
If you want to have some down time to yourself, put him on a schedule and be very consistent about it.
We had her 2 month old sleeping through the night and at almost six months old, he is ready to crash @ 8:30-9:00 every night. The last thing that we do is take a relaxing bath, dress for the night's sleep and read a book. This is our routine and oh my goodness, it works beautifully. My daughter has the rest of the night to herself and my house is quiet for adult time until he awakens @ 8- 8:30 in the morning.
I am also a preschool teacher (20 years this year). Schedules and being structured and consistent reaps very obedient children.
Good luck to you.



answers from Charleston on

My daughter is 2 now but since she was 18 months I've always put her down around 7:30p.m., no later than 8p.m. She sleeps until 7:30a.m. She also naps for at least 2 hours after lunch. Hope that's helpful.



answers from Savannah on

Hi M.!

When my daughter was 18 months old, I put her to bed at 7pm and she would sleep until 6-7am. She was transitioning to one afternoon nap during that time which would last 2 hours or so.




answers from Savannah on

8:30 on the dot! But we are only 10 months so...

We have a bath at 7:30, wind down time and a story shortly there after, and then I snuggle him in bed with his 'Sweetz the Lion' and a bottle.(I know, I know bad habit! We are not ready to battle that just yet though!) I also turn on his sleep sheep soothing sounds and close the door. So far this works, but I am sure as he grows older we will be adjusting it! I can't wait to read and see how things change as they get older!



answers from Atlanta on

i have two kids a 4yr and a 2yr. Both have been going to bed at the same time since they were 6 months old. They go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00 closer to 7:30 for the 2yr and 8:00 for the 4yr. They both get up at 6:30 my 2yr takes a nap from 12-2 (only when he is at school) at home it is only from 12-1. My 4yr does not nap she likes to rest and that is about an hour. My husband and i tried to keep them up later on friday nights (so we could sleep in on Saturday) but they are still up at 6:30.



answers from Charleston on

I put my kids to bed between 7:30 and 8 They sleep 12 hours, The 14 month old even still takes one sometimes 2 naps a day. But every child is different, what works for mine may not work for your.



answers from Spartanburg on

Our son is now almost 3 and he's had the same basic bedtime since he was about 1-- he goes to bed at around 8-8:30 and gets up somewhere around 6:30-7. His nap(s) have made up the rest of his sleep-- more nap when he was younger, not so much now. We chose this time because his dad doesn't get home from work until 6 or 6:30, so in order to have dinner together and spend some time as a family, we opted for a later bed time. This also allows daddy to get our son up in the morning and have a little time with him before work as well. Many people I know put their kids to bed earlier, but I think some family time is important. I also know some people who put their kids to bed much later, for the same basic reasons. I don't think the actual times matter as much as the amount of time spent sleeping. Make sure the time you choose fits your family and gives you some family time as well as a little alone time with your husband. Good luck!



answers from Atlanta on

I have a 21 month old. She has always had the same bedtime for a good year or more. She goes down between 9-10pm and wakes around 8:30am-9am. She takes one nap during the day around 1pm and sleeps until 3- 3:30pm. Hope that helps.



answers from Columbus on

Both of my boys have always gone to be around 8pm.. During the winter when it is darker around 7:30pm. But they did rise between 6:30 - 7:30am. So I guess it depends on your schedule. I have a chart that states a child 18months old should get 13 1/2 hours of sleep. 11 at night and 1 1/2 during the day nap. This is a chart I got from our military ped. Hope it helps..



answers from Savannah on

At 18 months my son went to bed between 8 and 9. And between 9 and 10 (if he could make it that long) on the weekends. He would get up between 7 and 7:30 in the morning and was taking 2-2hr naps a day. Now at 2yrs old, he has the same bed time, gets up the same but is down to 1-2hr nap a day.




answers from Kansas City on

My son who also is 18 months old goes to bed between 10p.m. & 11p.m. He generally wakes around 8a.m. During the day he takes a good three hour nap.



answers from Sumter on

I see alot of responses, but only a few with active children. I actually had to cut out the afternoon nap completely because my son just would not sleep through the night, so we tried to get him bed aroun 9 - 1030 but eventually ended up falling asleep ourselves waiting on him to fall asleep, and he didn't sleep late either, usually was up around 5 - 6 am. I say read your child and try your best to come up with a routine that suits you both, there is no right or wrong, all children are different as is they're parents. good luck!



answers from Augusta on

I have a 5 yr old and a 22 month old.My 5 yr old goes to bed at 8pm and my 22 month old at 7pm.Both usually wake up between 7 and 8,sometimes 8 to 9 but that's only on days my oldest sleeps in.It seems the longer the 5 y old sleeps and keeps the house quiet,the longer the baby sleeps.



answers from Columbus on

My son is 14mos. old and he goes to bed between 8 and 8:30, anytime after that he gets too cranky.



answers from Savannah on

I also have an 18 month old and she has been going to bed at 8:00 promptly every night since she was 6 months old. She's been in a routine since she was 6 months old. Her dinner is @ 6 then she plays until bath pretty much winds down after that with a cup of warm milk and is allowed 1 TV show of her choice--usually Blues Clues or Dora. Then around 7:45 she will crawl up in my lap with her milk and her blanket and we sit and cuddle until maybe 8:55. We go to her room, say her prayers, and she lays down and is out until i wake her up @ 6:40AM.
I hope this helps some--GOOD LUCK:)



answers from Atlanta on

27 month old sleeps from 8:30-7:30 and take a three hour nap in the afternoons.



answers from Charleston on

Hi! I have 21 month old boy/girl twins and they go to bed between 7-7:30 everynight. They get up about 8AM...sometimes I hear one earlier, but they are content to turn on their music (one of those crib attachments) and are fairly quiet until 8AM. Of course there are times they stay up later like when we vist Grandma, but the routine of going down at the same time most nights seems to make them happy & gives you time to relax and/or clean before adult bedtime. They sleep through the entire night and have done so since they were 4 or 5 months old!!! Of course they take still take a nap during the day for about 2-2 1/2 hrs. We read some books about the importance of nap as well as routine bedtime that enable them to get the best and most uninterrupted sleep possible. It seems to work for us. Good luck with whatever you try!



answers from Charleston on

my 20mo old goes to bed at 9p and wakes her self up at 830p. Takes a one nap from 2p-4p. My 4yr old is a different story. the day she was born she hated sleeping. I was lucky to get a nap in for 2 years. We have tried reading her books, giving bath. Nothing has helped so now we let her go to bed at 10ish and she does not fight with us and we dont get all upset at her. She wakes up about 9ish and she does not nap.

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