Do You Take Your Toddlers Trick or Treating?

Updated on October 25, 2011
R.. asks from Cleveland, TN
44 answers

This is kind of a spin-off on a question I was just reading, and I was kinds surprised at how annoyed some people get by seeing babies trick or treating... It seems like their cut-off age averages out to about 2 years old. ~~I absolutely do not mean this as a slam to anyone who feels this way... everyone is entitled to their opinion. I know that I get annoyed over things that seem stupid to other people...

My DD is 17 month old. We are going to a block party instead of trick or treating (there is going to be a candy row though for safe trick or treating AT the party...), BUT if there was no block party, I would definitely be taking her out into the neighborhood. She is super-adorable, and I always love the chance to show her off. Not only that, but she absolutely LOVES meeting new people, and I honestly think she would enjoy herself. Just because she can't SAY 'Trick or Treat' doesn't mean that she is incapable of enjoying herself. Plus, while she doesn't get candy very often, she does enjoy a treat every now and then.

Of course, I would only take her to a limited number of houses. I could see getting annoyed if the parents were lugging around a huge bag of candy...

Personally, I LOVE seeing little kids in their costumes. I also love when I see people out with their dogs dressed up, and I keep a little bin of treats for them too. :)

So I was just curious... at what age did you start taking your kids trick-or-treating?

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answers from Redding on

I took mine when they were babies. Hubby and I dressed up and used the baby to get candy. Isn't that normal?

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answers from Dayton on

I answered that question and I hope I didn't confuse anyone w/ my answer.

I plan to let my 17 month old go, I think he will love it!
Though I have no clue what he is going to be yet. :(

Seeing the babies IS the BEST part of the night. And I couldn't care less if any kid can or does say 'trick or treat'. I know if my DD was forced to say it or forgo the candy-she'd forgo the candy.

DD's first trip out was right after her 2nd birthday. She was DeeDee Doodle-remember the horrible Doodlebops? She was obsessed. She was the cutest thing ever in her go-go outfit and massive pink wig styled to perfection. She had a blast! ;)

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answers from New York on

We took my daughter for the first time when she was 14 months old. She LOVED it, and people enjoyed seeing her. We didn't clue her into the fact that what she was getting was edible. She was into taking things in and out of containers, and loved the idea of picking up the shiny objects. We transferred a good percentage back into bowls, so we didn't take a lot of candy home (and she never ate anything, just played with it). It was just about getting out and being part of the experience. We have a very family friendly neighborhood, and I think I liked it as much as she did. I like it from the other side of the door too, but it was fun being out with the HOARDS of kids. It was a warm night, and the streets were teeming with children.

And personally, I really enjoy seeing babies and toddlers. They are some of my favorites, because they are so excited, without even really understanding the whole thing.

I don't even mind the pre-teens and occasionally teens, as long as they are still having a good time. Those are the ones I hear people complain about.

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answers from Austin on

Yes, Take your son he will love seeing the big kids! Good time to practice "Trick or Treat Please!"
"Thank you!"

I LOVE seeing the little ones. Parents dress their kids funny.. When the children get older, they pick out the costumes, but seeing the veggies, fruits and little angles is just so sweet.

I really think in general, people who hand out candy love doing it.

I wish the ones that think it is a chore, would turn off their lights and just ignore the event.

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answers from Tampa on

Last year my son was only 5 days old and my daughter was 3.5 y and the family went trick o treating. It was extra special memory, baby's 1st Halloween. I also I wanted to be there with my daughter, so missing it was was not an option. The pictures of all of us four were wonderful. Both of my kids had pumpkins for their candy, baby's candy was all mine :) it was a short and sweet experience few houses around our community.

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answers from Pocatello on

We took our daughter out at 8 months, 20 months, and will again now that she is 2... with her baby sister who is 4 months.

when she was a baby we didn't really ask for "treats"- Also, our community doesn't do neighborhood trick or treating... we have "trunk or treating" where you take kids to a parking lot, and they trick or treat out of people's trunks (which are often decorated a lot)

In a nearby town we also go to trick or treat around the town square, if we can make it. The businesses give out candy and they have separate times suggested for different age groups... starting at about 2:00 pm.

But last year my daughter could say "trick or treat" and knew how to hold out her sack and say thank you. We came along with her of course- but she had a blast! She knew what trick or treating was, and I don't see why there must be a "cut off" age for babies. In my area you see TONS of babies, and I never have heard anyone be bothered by it. On the other hand, when I dressed up as a mama bee (to pass out candy) when I was pregnant- one lady said remarked "I don't think it is funny to pretend you are a pregnant lady for a costume..." GEEZE LOUISE!

Anyhow...This year the kids are going to be a baby butterfly, and Kai Lan! (from ni hoa kai lan)... I am so excited!

-Oh, and my husband and I will be vampires LOL!


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answers from Philadelphia on

My daughter was 6 months but I only took her to neighbors/friends houses to show her off. I didn't do it for the candy.
I have to say I LOVE it when babies and toddlers come to my house they are just so cute. It never occured to me that some people look at it as a handout or are annoyed to be giving candy out to kids w/out teeth. Bah humbug:)

I just paid $53 for my 13 yo costume. I hope no one thinks she is too old to trick or treat.
I always throw in a lot of extra candy when I see the parents dressed up too.

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answers from Dallas on

As soon as my first son could walk, we started taking him. We only went to about 4 or 5 houses, it was just fun. When the second one came along, we still went out, she just came along for the ride in her stroller (but no candy was given to her). It's all in fun, I don't think there should be rules about ages going trick-or-treating personally. Hell, if it was acceptable, I'd go trick-or-treating! I love to dress up too:)

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answers from Anchorage on

I agree, the little guys are some of my favorite trick or treaters, they look so cute! I usually buy a special candy, like soft chews or baby fruit snacks for my smallest trick or treaters :)

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answers from Youngstown on

My daughter was 14 months old when I took her trick or treating for the first time. She loved it and she looked so cute (she was a pumpkin). I don't understand how anyone can be annoyed at a baby...ever.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Took my BABIES trick or treating.

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answers from Fresno on

My son is 11 months and he IS SO GOING TRICK OR TREATING!!! He's gonna be the cutest little pumpkin! And if people are offended or feel that he shouldn't be out trick or treating, then they don't have to TREAT him. No worries. I'm sure there will be a lot more folks enjoying the site of the PUMPKIN!!! Can't wait :)

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answers from El Paso on

Initially, I hadn't planned on taking our older daughter until she was two. HOWEVER, once we realized that my husband was going to be deployed during this Halloween (the one we would have started her on) I decided we would do it last year so he could be around for her first Trick-or-Treating. We practiced in the house for about a month ahead of time so she would have the idea down when it came to it. One of us would hide in bedrooms, the other would take her to the bedroom doors & have her knock. We never really could get her to say "trick-or-treat" (she was almost 21 mos at the time), but she would knock or ring the doorbell no problem. We had fun, and I'm glad DH got to be around for her first time.

ETA: It doesn't bother me to see babies out and about & dressed up, but it DOES bother me when their parents have a candy bag for "them." It's just irritating because everyone and their dog knows that kid isn't old enough for candy yet, but the parent is out collecting it.

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answers from Kansas City on

I took my son at 10 months old. He was an early talker (even though he refused to walk!), so when he rang the doorbell, he would yell, "Treat!!". Our family and friends loved the chance to see him as a super hero, but we only went to the grandmas, and a couple close friends.

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answers from Kansas City on

My oldest was 8 months old and as a black kitty for her first halloween. The only place I took her was to my sister's and to my aunt's because they wanted to see her dressed up. Her second halloween she went to a few neighbors, and her third year we actually went around the neighborhood. With my second and my third girls, they went out at 7 months as a leaopard, and 1 month as a ghost. The only reason they went out was because of big sister and daddy was working. Now they are 10, 5, and 4 and they are so excited to go this year! I say take your little one and have a blast!!! She will love all the other kids and all the attention she will get! Have fun watching her lightup each time she sees something new!!!

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answers from Chicago on

We took our boys out when they turned one. Now that they're three, we have a four month old at home who will be out trick-or-treating, too.

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answers from Des Moines on

My son is 17 months old as well and of course we are taking him! Yes, only a few houses but what parent doesn't want to dress up their kid and have that experience? I know it's all for me and the pictures I want to take, but so what! I can't believe some people would find that annoying- I find that strange and crabby! Last year my son was like 5 or so months old and we did not take him. We dressed him up though for some pictures but he was too little to stay up late enough for dark time!

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answers from Jacksonville on

My daughter just turned three and this will be her first trick or treat. Unless you count last year when we took her to two houses, the neighbors on either side of us with which we are friendly. :)

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answers from Los Angeles on

My little guy's first Halloween he was 6.5 months, dressed as a giraffe and we went to a church harvest festival. They had entertainment, activities for the kids, a puppet show, food, and handed out treat bags as you left. He was just beginning to eat table foods, and gnawed on a hot dog bun, I sorted through his candy and gave him a couple of pieces the next couple of days. I took him more so he could see everything,which he loved, and everyone loved seeing him.

Last year he was 1.5, I took him trick or treating in the wagon, so he could rest if he needed to between houses. He was Chewbacca and a hit, especially with the guys. Everyone seemed happy to see him, I didn't get any negative responses. As a matter of fact some people gave him extra treats, lol! We didn't go to all the houses my nephew and his friend did, and I sorted through his candy again and he ate a few pieces over a few days.

This year he's 2.5, and we've decided to go to a block party put on by the city. We may go trick or treating to a few houses so they can see him and he them, but at this point he really isn't into it so the party will be plenty of fun for him. He still isn't a big sweet eater (yay!) unless it's an oatmeal cookie or fig bar, so I'll give him a few pieces of candy and he'll be happy.

I'm with you, I LOVE seeing kids of all ages dressed up, and hope your daughter has a blast : )

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I think we took my son to two houses (either side) when he was under O. and O.. Added 2-3 more houses the year after that, etc. I think around 5 it "clicked" in his brain & once they "get it"...they GET IT! LOL

Babies and toddlers are adorable and I have never heard of O. (other) person that was "annoyed" by babies and/or toddlers trick-or-treating.


Have fun!

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answers from Savannah on

I haven't seen that question you've mentioned yet (starting at the top and working down, lol) but if people think you should be 2 before trick or treating, that's just stupid. Are times so hard that people feel ripped off giving ONE piece of candy to someone who is "too little"? That's silly.
My eldest was born 11 days before Halloween and he was still in the hospital because he was 6 weeks early. Some grandmotherly volunteers made sweet simple little pumpkin costumes for the babies, and blankets too, and I thought that was so sweet. A welcome distraction from just hospital stuff. He came home on Nov 3 and a couple days later, I dressed him in his pumpkin costume and took some GREAT photos of him using a green blanket as a "background". When he was 1 we took him to the church festival (he was a cowboy) and since he was just learning how to walk but held his arms out in front for balance and walked all stiff legged, we made him a "baby zombie" (green and brown smudged makeup, messed up his hair with hair gel, tore up his dad's undershirt and put brown makeup on it to look a little dirty). It was funny--everyone laughed and knew exactly what he was because that's how he walked naturally. We carried him in a little wagon and then he'd walk to the door and say "EEEE" or make a monster noise. Why wouldn't he?! My youngest is a Thanksgiving baby, so he was 11 months old for his first trick or treat. He was a monkey, and while my 4 year old would say "Trick or Treat", the baby would scratch his belly and make a monkey noise. Silly, but it was fun. Is he old enough to "get something out of it"? Um yeah----he knew that we were doing something different and he was getting attention, and people clapped and said nice things to him. He loved it, and so did I.
And yeah-----of course I LOVE seeing babies in their costumes. It's cute! I've never ever heard of someone getting "angry" about little ones trick or treating. I think you either take part and have fun watching the children, or you're a grinch and keep your light off and don't take part.

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answers from Seattle on

I must have missed that Q...

Just over a year old. He LOVED knocking, and waving at people, and would just LAUGH and laugh and laugh at all the costumes/ music/ etc.

The hardest part were the next few weeks... to convince him that this wasn't some new thing we did EVERY DAY, but only once a year. We looooooove Halloween at our house.

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answers from Los Angeles on

My son's first Halloween, he was only 3 months and his second he was 15 months. We did not trick or treat, but only because he really wasn't into it at all. We went to some parties and a festival near our house, where he was afraid of the Halloween Queen giving out the candy. Last year when he was just over 2 was the first time really trick or treating and he loved it. This year at over 3, he's asking every morning if it's Halloween yet.

Honestly, I don't understand why people would/should get bent out of shape having a young toddler trick or treating. Is it that people don't want to give candy to a young child who shouldn't eat it, or don't want to give when they know the kid won't be eating it? I don't think I'd care.

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answers from Rockford on

My kids were about 6 or 7 months when they first hit the candy circuit. I had super cute costumes for them, so we hit all the neighbors. I did not take them further out until they were older though. I love halloween and would take my cat out if I could get away with it!

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answers from Dallas on

We took our first son trick-or-treating the first time when he was 14 months. We went with a big family group and he loved going up with the other kids. We just went on our street, and since not every house participated, it was just the right number of houses. The other 2 started as infants, since they accompanied us with their big brother(s). Even though we didn't even have a candy bag for the babies, people would throw in extra candy "for the baby!" When my 2nd was 15 months old (he spoke really early and could actually say trick-or-treat by then) people would throw large handfuls of candy in his bag, despite our protests, and I'm pretty sure his bag weighed more than him by the end of the night! And my tough little boy insisted on walking the whole way and absolutely refused any help carrying the bag (I think he thought we were going to steal the candy, hee hee!). Glad we've always had neighbors who appreciate the spirit of the holiday :)

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answers from Tampa on

I didn't take my son his first Halloween, but I dressed him up and let folks see him when I gave out candy. I did take him his second Halloween when he was almost 2 and he loved it. Then my daughter came along and she did get to go her first Halloween. However, she stayed in the stroller and did not collect candy. Frankly, we just go up and down our particular street and that is it. It really isn't about getting candy...more about having fun dressing up.

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answers from San Antonio on

My son was 6 months old at his first Halloween. CUTE frog costume. He went trick or treating with me and his cousin, age 6 at the time. He stayed in the stroller most of the time since he couldn't walk at the time. I don't think he understood what was going on, but we have some CUTE pictures of my nece and son together. Next year he was 18 months and a cute lion. Next year 2.5 and a cowboy. This year he's 3.5 and will be Superman. We don't let him eat all the candy. I hope mom's don't assume that. Dad and I ate most of it, or I shared/swapped with my neice.

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answers from Victoria on

I am taking my punks for the first time this year! We usually do trunk or treat at our church. We have our car parked to hand out candy and I also make the rounds with the kids. This year my three and 21 month old will be going door to door trick or treating. If someone tells me that my little girl cannot have candy because she cannot say it will be a house that i would think kids would trick (toliet paper). what about kids with dissablities, shy ones, or kids that just think the person at the door is a creep. thats the best part is handing out candy. Guess i need to prepare for all sorts of people behind the doors.

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answers from Orlando on

I love the kids version of Halloween (nothing scary)! We go to all the fall festivals and starting last year when DD1 was 20 months old we went to Trunk or Treat at church. She did so good walking up to every car and saying "trick treat" she got sooo much candy! We did take her around the neighborhood, but only to about 10 houses. She was so cute going up and knocking on doors. She was a big hit as a teeny tiny Wonder Woman.

This year she is two and a half and we have the same game plan, we will be bringing our 7 month old with us, but she won't have a treat bag. :) They will both be dressed up, because I can't resist I love baby halloween costumes!!

We will be moving right before Halloween, so I also think this will be a good chance to get to know the new neighborhood.

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answers from Sacramento on

My son is 3 and has gone to our town's main street "safe trick or treating" zone for the past two years. He loved it and we loved showing him off. This will be his first year trick or treating in the neighborhood. We're going out early (around 6) with a few friends his age in hopes of avoiding the scary costumes worn by the older kids. Just a loop around the block since they don't NEED candy at that age!

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answers from Washington DC on

I took DD trick or treating from her 2nd Halloween on (she was born in August and the first year we just dressed her up and went to dinner). We don't have a good neighborhood to trick or treat in, so we go to the mall and do it there where they go to the stores and have other kiddie events.

I was a rabbit and my mom a farmer when I was less than a year old and people just thought I was adorable. Mom took me around the block.

When they are very tiny, the fun is showing them off and you eat the candy.

I like seeing the little kids out. I think they're adorable.

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answers from Los Angeles on

When they are old enough to get something out of it. Around 18 months for us. And at that, we went to our three favorite neighbors.

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answers from Atlanta on

I've always taken my boys! The oldest was 7 months his first year and the youngest was two weeks! Granted the youngest was just dressed up in the Baby bjorn and not collecting candy, but it's fun! I LOVE seeing babies and toddlers at my door! I give candy to everybody. It's a fun holiday, and I don't get people getting angry over trick or treating toddlers.

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answers from Louisville on

my daughter was born nov 4th i took her the next year when i was pg with her i painted my belly as a pumpkin! my other daughter was born in march we took her that nov but only b/c she had an older sister



answers from Dallas on

Seriously, anyone annoyed by babies being dressed up and trick or treating needs to chill out and try to find their childhood or remember how much fun and how proud they were when the dressed up their little ones.

We went out when my son was 2. My big sis sewed him a Pterydactyl costume which was ADORABLE (he squawked and squealed so it was perfect).

Have fun with your baby!



answers from Grand Junction on

We took my little guy when he was 17 months because 5 months seemed a little silly and MAN DID HE LOVE IT!!

We are bringing along a dressed up 5 month old this year too, but she isn't collecting candy- just tagging along with her brother!

If you aren't going to let the kid eat the candy (because they are too young) then why take them? But if you and your little one can sort through the stuff they can have and spread it out over time, then let them go and enjoy themselves!!



answers from Boston on

I took them as babies. My youngest is 3 right now and for the last 2 years she has been much more into trick or treating them my older daughter! When she was 1 I didn't let her eat half the stuff she got, but she LOVED being out at night.



answers from Cleveland on

I take my kids out... if one goes they all go. I can't get a sitter & I can't leave one home alone. So, yes... I will be taking out the 15 mo old as well as the 4, 6 & 7 yr olds and next year I will be taking out the 11 mo old with her older brothers and sister. The only way I won't be going out this year is if the baby comes early or doc tells me no more walking... but even at the 2nd I would try to get the kids out a little. We ususally only stay out for the 1st hour, then my kids tell me they have enough candy & we head back to Grammy & Papa's and hand out candy for the rest of the time... and have pizza. This has been out trick-or-treat thing for many years.


answers from Boca Raton on

We went trick or treating when my son was 4 weeks old... Obviously he's not eating the candy, saying trick or treat or anything like that... We did it more to show off his tiny little costume.....


answers from Norfolk on

We use to go to a Halloween parade in costume - it was great!
It was well lit, the police and fire dept were there (in the parade) and you filled a bag with candy thrown out from the floats.
We've moved since then and they don't do a parade here.
We miss it.
It was so much fun, a family event and as safe as can be!



answers from San Juan on

I think the little toddlers love it and I love seeing them out in their cute costumes. WIN-WIN! I actually don't know what would bother someone about it. Its not like the older children need candy either. We are taking our 18 month old but just to a few house, probably 5 or so. Only because I don't know that she will have a lot of stamina for it.



answers from Fayetteville on

9 months, dressed him up and showed him off to the neighbors when they brought their kids to our door. 21 months, took him to a few houses of close neighbors. We didn't want him to have a bunch of candy anyway, plus he got tired quickly. The next year he was good to go, but even then he got tired of walking, so we didn't venture far. This year my husband is deployed, our son is 6 and baby girl is 11 months. She will be dressed up but will stay in the stroller while we take big brother around.

I remember once having a teen-aged mother and her friends come to my door holding a 6-7 month old. They had a pillow case full of candy. THAT, is rude and did make me mad!


answers from Dallas on

We didn't take our son trick or treating until he was 3 or 4. Even when we started, we only did little church Fall Festivals, city sponsored festivals, etc...



answers from Hartford on

The first couple of years, we only took my daughter to daytime trick or treating events at a zoo and a shopping center. She always had an early bedtime so it wasn't worth trying to take her out at night. I also thought it would have been a little scary and confusing for her if we took her out in the dark. I think it depends on the baby/toddler - some will handle it better than others.

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