EXTREME Fatigue During First Trimester - Want Ideas

Updated on March 01, 2008
N.E. asks from New Haven, CT
35 answers

I have a 17 month old boy, very active of course, and am having a terrible time with fatigue during my second pregnancy. I'm just about to enter the second trimester, but the fatigue is relentless. I feel exhausted all day long, slugging around from couch to whatever I absolutely MUST do in that next moment. Forget housework, forget sex...I barely get my son taken care of and barely get myself dressed, much less do the duties for my two part-time jobs (10-15 hrs/wk). My midwife explained to me that during the first couple of months of pregnancy, the body produces excessive amounts of hormones and the thyroid just takes some months to catch up. Well, it's been three months and, frankly, I'm tired of being tired all the time! Has anyone experience this and does anyone have any ideas: diet changes, tricks, supplements (I'd discuss any recommendations with my doc first, of course). Thanks.

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answers from Albany on

As hard as it sounds, I only got more energy if I forced myself to get some exercise. Going for a walk always helped. The hardest part was getting myself out there to do it but the benefits were just what I needed.

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answers from New York on

I do remember how tired I was for my first pregnancy... it was terrible. I don't have any tricks or anything that can help that much expect to offer that I would be able to baby sit if you needed it .. at nite or on weekends. Mom to mom I know how hard it is when you are tired to even do the littlest things and I would love to help. Let me know! :)

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answers from Syracuse on

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

I went through this kind of exhaustion, too. Felt like I was wading through quicksand every single day. I didn't find any particular foods, herbs, or routines that helped, though. But somewhere around the 16h week, I suddenly felt perfectly normal again - in fact, better than normal. My energy was back and I was able to get back up to speed with life for a while.

My only suggestions would be to consider having someone come in to help a bit with your son while you rest and to do your best to hang in there until the second trimester truly gets under way. If you still feel this kind of crushing fatigue then, I'd talk with your doctor.

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answers from Rochester on

A huge part of fatigue can be blood sugar swings. I know I dealt with that a lot more when pregnant (its even common for people to get "gestational diabetes"- which then vanishes after pregnancy). So, cut out the white sugar, and only have natural sugars with lots of fat- fat is slower to digest, which slows the absorption of sugars it is eaten with, causing less blood sugar spikes. Blood sugar spikes cause mood swings, fatigue, and sugar cravings which perpetuate the cycle. Nuts, nut butter. virgin olive and coconut oil (I drench dates in virgin coconut oil, and put it liberally in smoothies), eggs, cheese, and lots of FULL FAT whole organic milk & cream.... mmmm! Definately take cod liver oil or some sort of fish oil- increases baby's IQ by 7 points and makes you feel great hormonally and energy wise. Think of your body as a furnace- when you keep it stoked with good fats, it has something to BURN, something that lasts a long time. These kind of fats won't make you fat- actually, you'll be more full and I lost wait on a high fat diet. As long as you stay away from the trans fats! Replace fruit juice with real fruit (eaten with some nuts to stop blood sugar spikes) and substitute milk/yogurt and frozen berry smoothies or seltzer water with unsweetened cranberry juice and stevia (ver sweet herb without sugar). When you eat toast drench both sides in butter... always balance carbs (sugars) with fats.

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answers from Glens Falls on

Are you taking prenatal vitamins? Vitamin B supplements are critical to energy and health.
It sounds like you are doing too much. You should be napping every time your son naps, too.
Good luck!

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answers from Rochester on

I had this with all 3 pregnacies, But was only told I had low iron for my last. There is a supplement. They can tell from your blood work. Also eating things high in iron can help. I found the supplement to be a life saver. Good luck!

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answers from Syracuse on

I'm sure you hav heard this already, I would try to get some more exercise if possible. I know that having a 17 month old is alot of work (my son is 16months) but maybe just a short walk in the morning and ONE cup of coffee. Also try to eat protien such as peanuts, that may help. Good luck to you N..


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answers from Rochester on

Try eating more protein. Small amounts throughout the day. Nuts, beans, meat, milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. It will pass. HANG IN THERE.

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answers from New York on

Have your thyroid checked. You may need medication till the baby is born.

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answers from New York on

I agree with some of the responses - felt like I was swimming thru wet concrete (sounds like the quicksand post). Every fiber of my being was exhausted, and it was much worse after lunch. I don't know what your eating habits are, but blood sugar is definitely one issue. Try as much as possible to have several small meals throughout the day, instead of 3 bigger ones, and talk to your doc to make sure your supplements are right. For me, I had much better energy during the 2nd trimester. Good luck, hopefully the 2nd tri will bring renewed energy! In the meantime, let the housework go or ask for help, lay on the couch and put your feet up - maybe you can use that time to read your son a story or let him play with blocks or cars next to you as you "nap with one eye open". If your PT jobs are flexible, try to schedule the work for the hours of the day you have the most energy, for me it was in the morning.

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answers from Buffalo on

I've been through this a few times. I have 4 kids, the youngest is 18 months. If possible, try to get a nap in during the day. I napped with my daughter during the last pregnancy.

Orange juice is a natural energy booster, if you're looking for a safe way to up your energy though eating/drinking.

Also, you're still early in your pregnancy. I felt like crud during the first three months, then during that 4th month, BOOM, the energy went through the roof and I nested like crazy. Until then, though, eat healthy, drink lots of pure water to hydrate yourself on top of the other suggestions. Pregnant women get dehydrated fast and that will tire you out, too.

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answers from New York on

Hi N.,
This is my first time on this website but I saw your request and wanted to let you know my experience. When I was pregnant with my second child, I was so exhausted that after I showered I had to lie down and rest before I could put clothes on. I could barely take care of my daughter. It turned out that my thyroid levels were extremely low. I was already on thyroid medicine but apparently my pregnancy had thrown it out of whack. As soon as they adjusted my dosage I felt like a new person. It was truly night and day. I would suggest you get your thyroid checked because it could be dangerously low. Hope this helps. Congratulations on your second pregnancy!

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answers from Syracuse on

I don't have any great advice here. I just wanted to tell you that you are normal. My first pregnancy I had no real issues. I had the normal morning sickness but after the first trimester I felt great. I have four children and my 2nd -4th prengnacies I was so tired. I basically was able to get out of bed in the AM take care of the kids and then lay on the couch until someone needed me. I tried everything but nothing worked. I excerised...that just made me pass out. I tried changing my diet.....this didn't work. The only thing that worked was having the baby. Once that baby came out my energy level went through the roof and I was back to being "Super Mom". Hang in there. If none of the suggestions you recieved here work for you, don't worry. Once you have the baby things will return to normal. I do hope that something works though because I know how it felt for me. To not be able to get anything done. I just had to keep reminding myself that everyone was healthy, happy, and taken care of. The house and dishes can wait. You getting your rest now is what is important.

Take Care


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answers from New York on

Water, water, water.... it's the cure-all for everything! GL!

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answers from Jamestown on

I agree with the others who suggested getting naps and taking prenatals.

You say your son is 17 months old. He's still old enough to be taking naps, so I would lay down next to him and nap when he does. Also, he probably goes to bed early too. So I would go to bed early as well. You need to follow your body, when it says to rest. Also, do you really need to be working part-time right now? If you can quit, I would. and remember to be getting the amount of water per day that your body needs. When pregnant, we need to be upping the water intake. Blessings...

Holly from Panama, NY (26 weeks pregnant)

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answers from Jamestown on

Just to confirm what others have suggested. I would goto my doctor and get a complete cbc, iron profile, and thyroid profile. This happened to me with my second child...and I never got better without intervention. synthroid and Iron supplementation for life. Babies change our systems so much - but the outcome is so worth it. Good luck and let us know how you are coming along.
God Bless;

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answers from New York on

A couple of things do come to mind... I've known people who's thyroid didn't "catch up" throughout their entire pregnancy. Also, I was slightly anemic during my first pregnancy. You might want to ask your doctor to run a blood test to check your thyroid levels and your iron. Also, try to nap when your 17-mo-old naps. Don't worry about the housework, it'll get done in time (is your hubbie helping?). Don't feel bad for relaxing and not getting your regular daily chores done. You're growing a baby... take it easy! Try not to stress about these things- I am a big believer that the baby can feel what you are feeling and you don't want your baby to be stressed (this goes for your 17-mo-old as well).

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answers from New York on


I remember that feeling! It is one of the main reasons I only have two kids. (although I'm thinking of doing it ONE more time). Anyway, all the suggestions were good. You have to find what works best for you, sometimes that takes trial and error.
I want to address your request for advice about supplements. My husband is a Shaklee representative. They have the most amazing supplementation program called "Vitalizer". It has made a HUGE difference in so many lives. I have a friend who couldn't get off the couch after undergoing chemo and radiation therapy for breast cancer (after a lumpectomy). She tried the Vitalzer and within three days she was up living life like normal. I take it and I feel great too. I know that a lot of people use the Vitalizer in place of pre-natal vitamins because they are whole food sourced, above grade organic and have a sustained release technology. If you want to check it out the website is: http://www.shaklee.net/clancy/prodVitalizer00
It is A OK for use during pregnancy. I wish I knew about it when I was pregnant. It is also A OK to use while nursing.
Basically, it is a strip of vitamins that you take every day. In the strip is your multi vitamin mineral +Iron supplement (immediate release). Vitaming B+C Complex (sustained release). Carato -E - Omega Complex (delayed release) and a Probiotic to keep your intestinal flora healthy (good for SO many reasons) (targeted release).
You can get info about all that Shaklee has to offer at
www.theshakleesolution.com and use passcode SYomSfRo (case sensitive).

Their products have made a HUGE difference in my life.
You can contact me for more info if you want to. ____@____.com
Whatever you try, I hope that you feel better soon. It WILL get better. I know it's hard physically and mentally. You're a Mom, you can get through anything!

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answers from New York on

With my first, I had such extreme fatigue, I remember thinking it would be a feat to type on the computer, it just took too much energy! The first four months were the worst, then I did get my energy back. I drank coffee (don't recommend), took prenatal vitamins, even pureed vegetables to drink! I was very, very sick and the lack of diet combined with that particular pregnancy just didn't mix. Just wait it out, it will get better, I promise!

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answers from New York on

eat more fruits, less breads,
and red meats,

DOUBLE up on your vitamins.

I used to chew 2 childrens multi vitamins,
And drink ONLY TAP water not the bottled and nothing with sugar, or caffeine, no DAIRY either.( very little)

and make sure to get to sleep earlier 830 9 pm

You simply can't burn the candle at both ends, The job might have to GO.!!

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answers from New York on

Dear N.,

It is unfortunate that this fatigue is wearing you out during this pregnancy.
Obviously all women go through a different pregnancy.
A few tips I can give you if you're not already doing so.
First of all if you're putting on too many pounds as early as this, not a good idea. Watch and monitor carefully what you eat.
My doctor had me on white meat and fish only along with fruits and vegetables.
Which means I was not overeating on anything but healthy. I went for daily walks without overdoing it. When I felt tired, I would lay down and rest.
It's not easy surely with a 17 month old that only by looking at them jumping up and down can tire you out.
Overall my idea is limit overeating and drink lots of water.

Good luck!

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answers from New York on

I can TOTALLY relate. My son was 2 when I got pregnant. I actually work in the evening full time. I would get to work in the afternoon and fall asleep for about an hours before I even went to my desk. I didn't find anything in particular that was a great help, but it only lasted for three months. So hopefully for you like it was for me this to shall pass. Good Luck!

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answers from Albany on

Cut out refined sugar. I hope you are not consuming caffeine. Is your diet balanced with fruit vegetables and whole grains? Are you getting enough rest at night? I think you have a lot of responsibility toddler AND two part time jobs. I can see why you are tired, Unfortunately our culture dictate this. Been there dome that. Your plate is pretty full perhaps you need to go on hiatus from some of it while you are helping another life come into this world.

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answers from New York on

I am in my 2nd trimester with my 3rd. I was extremely tired even about a month ago...but it gets better. My other 2 children are 21 months and 3 years old. Only my youngest naps, so there was no napping for me! However, I would put a movie in and cuddle on the couch with my son while his sister slept and at least I could rest. I would try to eat several small meals (even a salad or some fruit) to keep my body filled with energy and that worked a little. I would also go to sleep or at least get into bed as soon as my little ones went to sleep. It helped, but I was still exausted. As soon as the 2nd trimester hit, I was soooooo much better. But I have times now where I am tired but not like I was. When I only had my son who was 9-17 months old when I was pregnant with my 2nd it was much easier because I could nap when he did and there was only one child to chase around. So, all I can say is to get rest when you can, even if it means lying on the couch for a half hour or so to let your body rest and to have some snacks during the day and drink lots of water. Good Luck! It gets better!

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answers from New York on

Hi N.,

I just wanted to tell you that I did experience fatigue like you are describing in my (current) second pregnancy. I am 23 weeks now and have a (very active!) 2.5 year old son. For me, the fatigue did not let up when I started the second trimester. I did not begin to get my strength back until about 18 or 19 weeks along.

I am not sure that I have any great advice for you about how to handle/alleviate the problem, except to tell you that I do feel better now so there is a light at the end of the tunnel!! Also I do take an iron supplement (my midwife said my iron levels were normal, but not great and started me on Floradix, a liquid over-the-counter iron supplement).

Congratulations, good luck and best wishes!!


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answers from New York on

I had a really tough time too. I just waited it out. It did pass around week 12.

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answers from New York on

Let your husband do a lot of the work with the house and the baby. Don't sweat it if he doesn't do everything as well as you would. You are working your body hard to grow the second baby, so you need a break from some of the chores. I have an almost 19 month old and I'm halfway through my second pregnancy. My first trimester was hard too. I was VERY tired and right at the end of the trimester I got a stomach flu and was really wiped out for a few days. The second trimester is MUCH better. You shouldn't feel as tired. Congrats!

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answers from Syracuse on

It was always explained to me that the second trimester is when you really feel good. Your hormones will have adjusted by then. In the mean time make sure you are getting plenty of water, and rest as often as you can. Forget about doing anything that isn't absolutely necessary. Hopefully your husband will help out. It will be good practice for him because once this baby comes, and there are 2 little ones, he'll have to help out a lot more anyway.

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answers from Albany on

Hi N.,

Reading your story reminded me so much of my own! I became pregnant when my son was 1 year old. I felt like I had mono because I was so exhausted. It was just like you said. From the bed to the couch to the floor just no energy whatsover! This also caused me to get a lot of illnesses like strep throat and bronchitis. Anyway, it turned out that part of my fatigue was anemia. After four weeks of taking iron supplements (try SLOWFE - easier on your digetive system) I finally began to feel better. Maybe you are pregnant with a girl which is sucking more iron out of you than a boy would? My other saving grace was a very helpful husband. He took care of giving the baths at night and securing dinner and lifting our heavy son! He was very understanding and allowed me to take naps. We did struggle at times where my husband too became tired and overwhelmed but we got through it. I shed a lot of tears during the pregnancy and felt like it really dragged on mostly because of feeling so tired. But of course it was all so very worth it! Please look into the iron supplements (YES in ADDITION to your multivitamin) and let me know how it helps.
R. Niles

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answers from Rochester on

Try some B complex vitamins (B6, B12). When I could no longer have caffiene I was turned on to this nifty solution. I use a specific kind of vitamin that you drink vs. a pill which has to be digested. Unlike caffiene or a sugar high it creates a nice bell curve of energy. It's all natural and my ob has no objections. B vitamins are absorbed better with food so I take it at lunch and it gets me through until evening. Remember it's not like a spurt of energy that peaks and crashes it is just a nice steady I can get through the afternoon and evening without collapsing on the couch. I am also in my first trimester (with my third child). If you want anymore information about the vitamins I use just contact me. I also have some all natural remedies to heartburn and other common ailments we experience when expecting! Best of luck to you.

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answers from New York on

i hate to say it, but i really dont know of anything. i was also extremely fatigued. additionally, in my last pregnancy i was also very ill. it seems i stayed in bed for almost 3 months straight.
try to get some help in the house with babysitting. arrange for it to be during your most tired time of the day. give yourself 3 hours or so a day and then try to get the baby's father to help out at night.

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answers from Rochester on

Common things to check;
IRON: This can make you feel SO exhausted, just cant even mover- this is a biggie and women can go in and out of anemia, Calcium blocks absorption of ion, so if you take iron supplements do not take any dairy products with within 2 hours before or after and don't take it with your prenatal vitamen.
vitamen B12, vitamen D, thyroid-
But check that iron first, and its a safe vitamen to take- if you are comfortable trying it take some for a few days see if you feel a difference. My doctor had me double up on iron when I first started it. She told me strawberries were a great iron sorce. Be sure to tell you doctor soon. Good Luck- hang in there.

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answers from Syracuse on

My son was 9 months old when I got pregnant with my daughter. I was so tired all the time! I talked to my OB/GYN, she said that a cup of coffee (or in my case a diet soda) in the am would not harm my baby. Boy did I notice a difference! I could finally make it through the morning and then took a nap whenever he did!

Ask your Dr. if a little caffene would be ok.

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answers from Albany on

N., I know exactly what you're talking about!! I have three boys and the ages are 3yo, 2yo, and a 5 months. It was God's grace that kept me up and going, but I have noticed that it takes time to do things and if he takes a nap, nap at the same time as he. You need it!! Check www.gosmartreturns.com and check the Smart Returns video. I have been taking Essential For Life vitamins and Prenatal Vitamin and it's great!! You can take Essential for Life vitamins and it guarantees to give you the energy you need. Of course, alot of drs and OBs don't know much about the product, but if they check into it, they'll agree. It's a great things to get into. In fact, I have put the information in the Mom owned business and it talks about the business. I know that God brought this business to my attention through my husband few years back. Check it out and let me know what you think.

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answers from Elmira on

Hi, I had the same problem with my first trimester. What helped me the most was a simple change in diet. I started eating a LOT of lefy dark green vegys. You may need more vitamins and iron. The iron supplements they give you are not easily digestable and most of the iron is just passed out of the body without doing you anyreal good. Try eating fresh spinch in salads, try to avoid cooking it if you can. It losses a lot of it's nutriunts if you do. The vitamins that give you energy are the B's. If you aren't much for veg's there are a lot of great tasting waters now that have vitamins in them and they are in an easily digestible form. It will take a couple of days befor you start to notice a difference but once they build up in your system you will start to feel more like doing things. Talk to your doc about this and consider haveing a routin vitamin deficantcy test done. Sorry about the spelling, and I truelly hope this helps.

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