Help from C-section Moms

Updated on September 02, 2010
D.H. asks from Grand Prairie, TX
28 answers

Hi ladies,

It looks like I'm probably going to schedule a c-section around the 22nd - 27th of September. I'm really scared of what to expect, but after going over everything with my Dr. and in light of the 4th degree tear I had with my son, I think this feels best for me.

Is there any advice you can give me regarding the recovery stage? Did any of you have a abdominal binder for support afterwards? I keep seeing ads for the abdomend recovery belt and of course the testimonials on their website give it glowing reports. I've had a couple of female surgeries before and thought maybe some extra support would have helped. I'm delivering at Arlington Memorial and I called and they didn't act like binders were something they provided.

Also, is there any other advice you have for me? I'm just scared to death about things going wrong, etc. I just want to be prepared and reduce my pain as much as possible. I was in so much pain with my son I didn't get to enjoy him and we won't have help for too long once I get home.


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answers from Dallas on

I have to tell you that after a 4th degree tear with my second baby - that the c/s with my 3rd was a walk in the park!!

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answers from Washington DC on

First it will be fine. I had an emergency C-section and a scheduled one. Big kids, small opening.

The emergency one was easier in one way because the amount of time between when they said they were going to do it and the actual delivery was like 30 minutes. The scheduled one was slower. I walked into the OR myself. Sat on the table then they did the spinal. I got nervious sitting their talking to everyone. The people were nice. We didn't know if it was a girl or boy so they all had suggestions for the name - theirs. :-)

Then you lay down the surgeon comes it -- your doctor, talks to you. Then they do the surgery. You may feel a release of pressure, which is weird. All your crowded organze just got more real estate! I can finally could breath deep. It was funny because of my son's position. The doctor said: "It has red hair." and everyone in the room said, "Is it a boy or girl?" He said, "I don't know yet. Haven't delivered that part yet." It was a little freaky if you think about it too much, so don't. Just accept and go. Think about coming home and the next six weeks. We will have to limit what you do for about six weeks, and you'll need help.

I spent all my pre-surgery worry time, planning food, rides, visits, and anything I could think of to distract myself. It helped, particularly since I had high blood pressure.

It will all be over. IT will probably take less time than labor and vaginal delivery, and most importantly you'll finally meet your baby!! That is the most important thing -- how they get here doesn't matter. What matters is that they are here, but you know that.

Good Luck!

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answers from Johnstown on

My section came as a result of twins. I had the first one naturally, then the other flipped, went breach and they lost her heart beat. It wouldn't have been such a concern, except I was induced because she'd already had a diminishing blood supply. I was absolutely furious that I had to have a section, but you know what? I healed MUCH faster from the section than I did from having the first twin. I had no support binders. I was even told not to cover the incision with a bandage. I have hardly any scar now because of that. You'll do just fine :)

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answers from Los Angeles on

My aunt and SIL both had c-sections and used binders after, it really helps flatten your tummy and gives you added support. Its kind of a reminder to not let it all hang out. Be sure you dont try and do too much after surgery once you're home, even if you feel fine. Take it easy, you'll be just fine

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answers from San Francisco on

I had the exact same thing (Level 4 episiotomy w/ 1st son, c-sec w/ 2). Honestly, things were great and I had my own reservations too. (It's a little scary to think about!) So you're very sore the first few days and can't be too strenuous the following week or so. But it gets better and better every day. And take the drugs! Cause it hurts in the beginging. By two weeks I was doing great, running easy errands and starting to chase around my 2 y.o.
And the pain from the c-section is VERY different from a 4th degree tear. It took me well over 6 mo. to recover from my 4th degree tear and couldn't sit for long times and had other embarassing issues. And could not have sex with hubby for a long time because of the pain. The C-section will be fine, really!! And keep in mind from other moms who have had C-Sections whether it was scheduled or after long labor and hard delivery resulting in C-Section. The answers may vary. Good Luck!! You'll do great!!

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answers from Hartford on

Hi D., I didn't use a binder so I can't help you with that one. What I do suggest is getting u[ and walking as soon as they say it is ok. Get up, go pee, get up, go pee again, lol. My nurse made me get up and out of bed, even though I really didn't want to or think I could. It made a world of difference as far as how quickly I recovered. Be sure to accept any help offered when you get home. If they ask if you need anything say yes, Could you come over for an hour in the am, could you bring us something for dinner, could you clip my toenails :)

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answers from Dallas on

I have had 2 c-sections and both went very well. Just get up and soon as you can and walk several times a day. The first time you get out of bed will be TERRIBLE! But it will absolutely get better you just have to get through it. Don't try to be a "hero" and not take any meds. If you keep up with your pain meds then you won't get into a "hole" that you feel miserable getting out of. I would opt for a c-section every time! My last baby (which is harder the second time around) - we were home and hosting Thanksgiving a week later. It should be noted I don't consider myself a "super" mom either! Good luck on your new little one.



answers from Wichita on

Keep on top of your meds. so your pain doesn't overwelm you. I have had 3 c-sections & have never had a belt, so I don't know anything about them. I do know that the hospital will not release you until they are sure everything in your gut is working (aka. you pass gas). Take it slow at first. You will need to get up & around to keep from getting stiff & you will need to put a pillow over your incision if you cough or sneeze (it helps the pain). Take any offers of help or meals especially since you have an older child. Also, do not rush into doing things. Overdoing it will make recovery longer (just like when your sick).
God bless!



answers from Chicago on

I definitely agree with other mamas who have said:

1) use the binder
2) stay ahead of the pain
3) get up and moving ASAP - no matter how you feel
4) poop. poop. poop. You'd think whether or not you pooped was bigger news to the nurses than the fact that you'd just birthed a human!!!!! :-)

As far as the binder - I used a pair of biking shorts (the lycra/spandex kind - looser than a girdle, but same basic principle). It holds you firmer than nothing / looser than the binder, but lets your muscles do some work which is important for healing. You will probably want to get one size larger than your pre-pregnancy weight (unless you have gained more than 30 pounds, then go up 2 sizes).

Some might disagree with me.... I would stay in the hospital until they kick you out (unless you are having a bad experience there). Your c-section recovery needs to be all about YOU and bonding with your new baby. If you are already a mom and you go home on day 3, it will be back to the old grind before you are really ready, physically. Give yourself the extra 2 days of people taking care of YOU so that when you do have to go back and be all things to all people you have some good healing underway.

I also had a 24 hour reducing epideral and it was FABULOUS so try and get one!!! Not sure if they are standard - I delivered in Houston and that was just what they did.

I can tell you that any pain I felt from the c-section was not as bad as that one labor pain when we realized something was wrong. If I am lucky enough to have another baby, I will schedule a c-section and not even risk V-BAC.

Good Luck!!!!!


answers from Dallas on

Wear the postpartum abdominal support! It helps a lot for returning to your pre-pregnancy form and I did not take any pain killer pill at home wile I was wearing abdominal support!



answers from Burlington on

I ended up having a C-Section after stalling at 8.5 centimeters 2 hours into labor and staying there for another 13 hours! Turns out what they thought would be a 6 1/2 pound baby was 9 1/2 lbs.!! It didn't bother me to have a section and I was too tired to really give it much thought once the decision was made. I went into the operating room at 2:50am, they cut me at 3:06 and my daughter was born at 3:10am. When the brought me in they sat me up and administered the spinal which is similar to an epidural. If you were ok with'll be fine. Once you're numb (and you are totally numb) they will begin. It's very quick barring any issues (baby's position, etc.) They showed her to me, I got to touch her and kiss her and then they took her to clean her up. It took about another 1/2 hour or so to close the incision and then I went to recovery. I had to be able to move my toes on both feet before I could go back to my room. I'd say that took about and hour or a little more. Once back in the room, I had to lay flat for a while to avoid a spinal headache. I then got to hold my daughter. I did later feel that I missed something in that first hour and it made me sad, but once all of the preggo hormomes were out of me I got over that. The first 2-3 days were hard for me to sit up, etc. and I couldn't be holding her when I needed to stand. I was glad to have my mom and sister with me for a week (I'm a single mom). I'd say that after the first 7 days I was good and back to normal within 10. It hurts but it's not unbearable. It hurt to cough or have a BM but the pain goes away quickly and the scarring is minimal. Good Luck to you and I hope that it goes great!! Congrats on your new little one!



answers from Saginaw on

Just try to relax. I had 3 csections and each one was different, but if I just stayed calm I was ok. The drs that delivered me I seen throughout so I was very close to them and I talked to them. I asked what they were doing, what they could see, and tried to focus on other stuff. I used a support after my last one and I liked it. Mine was only 20 at Burlington and was the Medela brand. I def recommend it for the drive home and any walking you may have to do. I found it helpful to make sure everything I would need was stocked at not far away from me when i was home recovering. I also made sure my daughter(my oldest was 23 months when I had my middle) had supplies handy for her too. I kept juice and milk in sippy cups for her in the fridge so she could grab it, and I kept certain snacks at her level. A dvd was always in the player so I just had to grab the remote and turn it on. I also kept books around so when I was nursing the baby I could read to my other daughter and not have to worry about what she was doing. I was able to walk around within 6 hrs after my last csection, and that night I was going to the bathroom and able to get the baby in and out of his bassinet. I also pushed myself to do things on my own after my 2nd one. With my first I didnt push myself and waited to heal and in my opinion I healed alot quicker for the 2nd and 3rd than the 1st! Good luck!



answers from Augusta on

my son was born via csection.
it was emergency and I healed much faster than my 4th degree tear from my first birth.
My son spent a week in NICU and while I was there I walked to the nursery every 2 hrs to feed him.
I never wore any kind of belt.
I healed quite nicely except for the numbness in the incession area that I still have.


answers from Orlando on

I've had one vaginal delivery and one c-section due to a multiple pregnancy. For me, the c-section was a million times easier than doing it the old fashioned way :-) Even though my city says Clermont, FL, I actually gave birth near to you in Lewisville and they wrapped the binder around my tummy during the clean up and close-up of the incision. It was a great tool and one I continued to use for about 4-5 days after returning home. It helped keep the "drop pressure" off the incision and staples and made it easier for me to stand up straight. Not sure about the hospital you are using but at Medical Ctr of Lewisville, they did not remove my epidural drip until about 24 hours after the birth and then it took a few hours to wear off so I didn't get up until about 27-28 hours after delivery. On a scale of one to ten, I would say that initial stand up and moving was about an eight but the pain meds really helped control it from being fierce and I didn't even use them after the staples were removed which was five days after delivery. It really wasn't that bad I thought. My vaginal delivery was much more painful and took nearly a year for me to completely recover. It was nice with the c-section that I was left alone in that very sensitive female area. I didn't have any help except for my almost seven year old daughter and felt comfortable sending my husband back to work after one week - that's how quickly I felt good enough to resume "light duty". I just want to add that if your doctor gives you vicodin/hydrocodone and you feel like it makes you too loopy (especially when people come visit you and you can barely talk without slurring LOL) then neproxin was a great back-up for me without the change in mental status :-) Best wishes on your delivery, I'm sure everything will be fine and go perfectly. Try not to stress out too much and just enjoy the ease of having to do almost no work in having your baby LOL



answers from Harrisburg on

1. You will need to wear the band for a while. It reduces the pain from the cut when you move
2. You will need help at home especially if you have another child
3. No matter how hard, keep moving in small steps and try to use the restroom to pee.
4. Take your meds for the pain as the dr suggests
5. Don't lift anything period for at least 6 weeks.
6. Take vitamins to help with healing



answers from Gainesville on

The absolute best advice I got was from my recovery nurse after I had my son by semi-emergency c-section. She said keep ahead of the pain! If you stay ahead of it, it is much, much easier to control. When I had my daughter via section in 2008 they actually put a long acting pain med in the spinal before they took it out. That helped a lot. And I stayed with the pain meds in the beginning.

Also, getting up and walking/moving as soon as I could (the next day with both). Try to walk as upright as possible as well.

I didn't use any kind of support band and I wanted my muscles to do the work.



answers from Dallas on

I don't have time to read all of the other answers right now, so forgive me if I repeat anything. I've had 2 c-sections and 1 vaginal with a 3rd degree tear. My first c-section I was nervous, too but it was by far easier on me. If you like to read up on things, there was a good book I read called the "Essential C-Section Guide." I got it on Amazon several years ago. Anyway, here's my advice:
1) Don't eat a fatty meal the day before. It can reduce gas issues after the birth.
2) I never had an abdominal band, I just took a little travel pillow and held it against my incision to first couple of days whenever I walked or needed to cough, etc.
3) Get up and start walking as soon as they will let you. If you feel pretty good, they might take the catheter out early and let you get up and walk to the bathroom. DO IT if at all possible! Once you get up, walk standing up as straight as possible. Don't slouch. By the second day, I was walking laps around the nurse's station and felt great!
4) Take you pain meds when you get home. I tried to wean off of them the 2nd time since the first was so easy, but I was having muscle spasms that were unbearable - until I took the meds again.
5) If you have a spouse to help out, ask them to get the baby during all of the nighttime feedings. It will be hard for you to climb out of bed for the first week or two (especially when you hear that little one crying and you are trying to rush!).

That's all I can think of right now! Good luck! I'm sure that you will have a good experience. Just be prepared for some pain - just like a vaginal - it's just in a different spot. The good news is that it doesn't hurt to go to the bathroom after a c-section!!!



answers from Chicago on

I have had 3 C's and used the binder I was given at the hospital it help alot. Best advice take all the help that comes your way; meals, cleaning, laundry in the first two weeks. Then you are able to drive and do the stairs more comfortably. Take it easy the first two weeks go up and down stairs only once a day, put your feet up frequently during the day and if some can bring you lunch during the first two weeks you will recover rather well. A scheduled C is really a calm experience. I had 2 emergency's and one scheduled what a difference. ( I have also had 2 vaginal births too) Just remember this is not so bad you are awake the whole time and will get to see the baby not hold it but ususally dad gets to and you will in a couple of hours. Good Luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

I found the recovery from a scheduled C was a breeze. I was disconnected from all tubes, etc. within 2 hours and was in the shower and cruisin' the halls that afternoon. I don't think I even took ibuprofen after the first couple days.

Never used a band. Have no idea if that would've made any difference.

Ask for stitches instead of staples.



answers from Dallas on

First, while you are in the hospital recovering take your pain pills as often as they will allow you to. Don't let the pain get ahead of you before you take a pill. Ask the nurse, she will tell you how often you can have a pain pill. Remind the nurse if it is time or close to time for a pill. I did this and didn't take any pain pills at home, but if you need them take them.

Second, get out of bed. As soon as they say you can, get out of that bed. Don't overdo it, but don't just lay there. That will make you even more sore. Yep, it's gonna hurt to get up. But in the long run it will decrease your pain. Don't stay in the same position too long. Take walks, sit in a chair...get out of bed.

I loved the binder I had, the hospital provided it. It help with the pain, alot!

On the ride home, hug a pillow. Every tiny bump in the road hurts. I didn't do this with my first c-section but was sure to have a pillow on the way home from the hospital after my second.

Oh, and take your own pillow(s) to the hospital. I slept on my pillow and used the hospital ones as support either in front or behind me or between my knees.

Ask for help. A c-section is major surgery. Ask for help. You don't have to do everything. If family offers to help, let them do the dishes or laundry, or sweep the floor. Let others help with non-baby chores.

My recovery was pretty easy with both my c-sections. Good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

Loved my binder- I even slept in it the first week because it made getting up in the middle of the night soooo much easier. I had stairs at home and was really afraid I would be stuck upstairs once I got home but I had no problem climbing up and down- just a little slower the usual.

As the others said take you pain meds on time and you should be good and don't try to do too much too soon.. Also- I had stitches and dissolvable strips and have almost no scar. Was breast feeding my LO within half and hour of birth (had a great recovery nurse who let her stay with me) and her daddy was with her every second.

I also firmly believe that having accepted the c-section ahead of time and planning for it accordingly helps with recovery.



answers from Norfolk on

I am having a repeat c-section on the 29th. First was unplanned, but my recovery phase was not bad at all. It is important to get up and moving as soon as possible. You will also need to get your digestive system moving. Take a bottle of prune juice in your hospital bag, or ask for something from the nurses. The pain meds can really bind you up and severe constipation is not something you want t o deal with post partum. I found I was a little too loopy on the pain meds they gave me and had to ask for a lower dose. Just communicate your needs to your nurses and they should take good care of you.

A boppy pillow was a lifesaver for me. I held it over my abdomen even when I wasn't holding the baby. It helped when I had to laugh or cough.

Best wishes to youi.



answers from New York on

I had an emergency C section...I took the advise that my wonderful experienced nurse gave me which was to get up and that will be SLOW but moving none the less. I had a c section at 5pm and the next morning they got me up for a shower etc. This was REALLY SLOW going, but then each day while I was there I would take slow motion laps around the ward. I feel like that helped me heal faster and it keeps your scaring more fluid so it doesn't get stiff.
I was not given a binder but one thing I felt made me feel more comfortable was (might sound wierd, but its what they did at my hospital) was to put those huge maxi pads inside the waistband of my underwear and over the staples for a few days. It helped me feel more "held in" and then none of my clothes hurt or anything.
Other than that, the only bad pain I had when I got home was from gas (tmi, but a real issue after a c-section) so I would recommend gas drops or pills (They'll give you stuff at the hospital.)
It isn't so bad, you'll get through it and your new baby will be a great distraction! :)



answers from Oklahoma City on

I did not use a binder and did not even know they existed. I agree with Brenna M., stay in the hospital as long as they let you!! I stayed for 4 days, the longest they would allow, and was up and walking (sort of) the day after my c-section. Basically I was up and moving as soon as I could move my legs again. It was the third day before I had a bowel movement, very painful!!, and the nurses were very happy about it! lol! It is painful, so take the pain meds they give you on time and no matter how you feel, get up and moving ASAP! It will help speed recovery and the pain will lessen. Don't worry, you will be fine. :)



answers from Honolulu on

I had 2 c-sections.
The first was an emergency.
The 2nd was chosen... I did not want a VBAC.

It was fine.
I healed fine.
My recovery was fine.
I used no binders or girdles.
I was able to breastfeed with no problems, right after.
My milk came in no problem.
They brought my baby to me, as soon as possible, after recovery.

Recovery time, post-op is 6 weeks. Make sure you have someone at home, once you come home, to help you. You have to be careful, as you recover. The Doctor will tell you what to do, what you cannot do, and about any lifting.
If you are unsure about anything, ASK your Doctor... and make SURE your Husband knows all about it, too.

all the best,



answers from Dallas on

get the stool softner before you leave to go have the c sec...keep in the bathroom at home. my dr had me on colace and it really helps because it could take days for your bowels to wake up

get up and walk as soon as they let you

get granny panties to wear - you wont want any low riding panties rubbing on the scar

get loose type yoga pants to wear to leave the hospital in

bring pillow for car ride home - you will want it between you and the seatbelt at your scar

keep that scar dry as you will weep a little but if it is green or smells funny you want to call dr asap for possible infection

prune juice mixed with sprite will also help you poop when you come home if you are constipated

i had a belly band while i was preggers and i wore it afterwards. they gave me velcro binder in the hospital which i wore for 2 weeks and then went back to belly band. ask hospital for binder.



answers from Chicago on

I have had both a c section and a vaginal delivery. The vaginal delivery was 1000 times harder than I'd expected and the c-section was 1000 times easier that I'd expected. My first child was a vaginal delivery and it was so painful and exhausting that I also found it hard to enjoy having a new baby. My second child was a c section and it was was so calm and quick - I was able to be relaxed and mentally in the moment. I was holding my baby within minutes and comfortably back in my room with him and my husband bonding - pain free- for the rest of the evening. After the anesthesia wore off I was tender but I have to say still a ton better than my vaginal delivery because I was not so exhausted from labor.
After the surgery I did have a binder and I thought it helped my healing quite a bit. Otherwise if I were having more kids, I would so totally go for the c section again without hesitation. It was a beautiful birth experience. Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

Everyone will heal for a C-section differently. You have gotten some really good responses here and I think all of them had good info. for you. The one thing I did not see in any of these answers is something VERY important! Sounds weird talking aobut it, but, you must take a stool softner when you are ready to go home!!!!!!!!! I'm serious. No one, not even the nurses warned me of this. My last Dr.s appt before my c-section I talked to a woman that was there for her 2 week check up. She warned me to do this, but at the time i forgot all about it. I stayed in the hospital as long as I could. You should too! I didn't have a bowl movement for 5 days and I was eating! Well, I came home and needed to go....but it was stuck! Seriously. I had to birth this thing and it was aweful and very painful. Why didn't someone at the hospital suggest a softner or laxative for me!?? So, in my opinion take that part seriously.

Other than that, the only other problem area that was not that bad, was standing up for the first time after you get your feeling back in your legs. That was painful, but bearable, and I agree that you should do it as soon as you can and as often as you can.

Please take seriously the rule of not picking anything up for 6 weeks after surgery. If you are fit and healthy, the time will be less. If you are not and are softer around the middle, it might take longer for the muscles to heal good. That does mean not picking your other child up or a laundry basket. Have your son give you hugs sitting down!

I know you are nervous, but it will be really quick and much easier than what you've already been through! It is nerve racking to have surgery, but it will go by so fast and you'll feel great. Just try to rest as much as you can in hospital and at home too! The hardest thing for me at home was getting out of bed. I had roll out and onto my feet instead of sitting up like a sit up in bed for a couple of weeks.

I do think a binder would help if you are going to be on your feet a lot or if you take a trip back to the hospital or something. It just made me feel more secure and kept my belly from jiggling. I don't think it would actually heal any faster, just might give you a false sense of security that you are.

Good luck and you'll do great. Just relax and enjoy your new baby!

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