Is My Daughter's Development on Track?

Updated on April 06, 2008
A.N. asks from Carrollton, TX
8 answers

Madison will be 7 mos old in two weeks and she still needs help rolling over and can only sit up slugishly.

I'm worried. We see the pedi next week, but I wanted to draw on other mom's experiences, too.

She is a chunker and has short legs, God bless her. My Hubby says that he's certain that she is slow to roll over b/c her legs are so short and she's so chunky.

I am concerned, though.

Anyone experience something similar that can make me feel better?

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answers from Dallas on

Rest easy Mom. My son was almost 9 months old before he could sit up on his own. He was also a little chunk. He never crawled either. It is my understanding that unless they can sit up and develop those tummy muscles they cannot crawl because they use the tummy muscles in holding them up on all fours. Now, my son may not have sat up until he was almost 9 months old and didn't crawl, but he could climb. He started walking at just over 10 months and my 11 months he could run with out taking a tumble. Bless my poor mother, I started walking (but hanging on to things for the first few months) at 5 1/2 months. (I still apologize for that, too. LOL) By the time I was a year, I was climbing up on top of the fridge. So, is your daughter on target with her developement? Most likely she is. It's always best, if you have questions about it, to talk to your doctor. However, she is on her own track and will develop at a rate all her own. Once she gets a bit older you will be able to recognize her growth and development patterns more easily. HTH

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answers from Dallas on

Don't worry every child is different. No two will reach the same milestones at the same rate. Please don't read about other people's children just talk with your doctor. I think she is fine she is just laid back and will do it when she is ready.

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answers from Dallas on

I have 2 kids, both were early rollers . However, I have 2 nieces and one nephew that were all very big babies and were slow to roll, sit, crawl etc.. The baby, who is 9 months old and is 6 weeks older than my son just lays on her tummy and kicks her legs. And boy does she get mad!! She does not like to be on her tummy. She is also the youngest and when she fusses her older sibs give her whatever she wants. She also weighs 22 lbs (I think). My point in telling you all of this is that I think when babies are bigger its sometimes harder for them to move around. Your baby will get it. Try not to worry (I know...easier said than done). I know that with my kids they finally started crawling when they were motivated enough to do it...i.e. they wanted something bad enough to go after it. Your daughter will start crawling soon enough and I think that as long as your pedi hasn't expressed any concerns about the baby not reaching milestones then you're good to go. Just keep trying tummy time, maybe a bumpo?? and she'll come around!



answers from Dallas on


I know it is hard not to worry so i wont tell you not to because i know you will. dont feel odd i swore my baby was "slow" b/c she wasnt babbeling and now she is never quite, my point is we all worry. my daughter did things a little backwards she rolled over from her back to stomach first, crawled before she set up. babies do things differantly, the books you read are just a guide. if you are really concerned talk to your pedi. let them evaluate her, if you are still concerned contact early childhood intervention. that is what they do, evaluate children to determine problems as young as possible. i think she is probably fine though!
good luck and hang in there!



answers from Amarillo on

Hi A.! My Daniel is 9 1/2 mths and sounds like your Madison...He doesn't pull himself up to sit, I have to put him in that position. He only rolls over occasionally. I did ask our pedi and she wasn't concerned. Daniel isn't chunky, he's actually in the 10th percentile, so I don't think weight would have too much to do with it...I wouldn't worry too much...Some kids just develop at a different pace!



answers from Dallas on

Relax, my son did not sit up unassisted until almost 9 months, could not roll over (both ways) until about 10 months...However, he started crawling (finally) at 11 months and walking at 13 months. Every child is different. Enjoy her immobility...she'll be cruising soon and you'll have your hands full!



answers from Dallas on

I think she is fine. Every child is different. My middle son was a little chunk. He did things early. walked at 9mos. he was so chunky he was bow-legged. His little soft leg bones bowed out because he was so chunky. He grew out of it, though. I have a new baby sister. She is 6 1/2 months and doesn't roll, doesn't push up onto her elbows, and can't sit on her own. But again she is eating well, etc. None of us are concerned. I am sure the pediatrician will tell you the same thing. Do you do alot of those things for her or do you let her do things on her own? maybe she is having adults do so much for her, the muscles aren't strong enough and are not getting enough of a workout. we all like to hold our babies but they do need some "floor time" to develop those muscles. They can get lazy if mom and dad are always doing EVERYTHING for them. Then they don't have to work at it. Are there toys on the floor to entice her to roll over? is she in a swing alot? you can't develop muscles until she is in the right environment to do so. I still think she is fine. I bet some more floor time, and tickle time, sitting up in a walker would all help.



answers from Dallas on

You'll find that all babies hit their milestones at varying ages. My 1st child was quick to sit up, crawl, and was walking before his 1st birthday. Now his sister (9 months) is still not a fan of rolling over and tummy time. She didn't sit up really well (like where you could sit her down and walk away) until about 8 months and is NO where close to crawling...and she's got some chunky thighs as well :) This isn't to say that she's "on track" but at her 9 month check up the pedi just mentioned that she's developing on the lower end, but she's not worried. She can put weight on her legs when standing, push arms up when on tummy, etc.

So with that said, I'd just keep getting on the floor with your little one....spending time on tummy, helping her roll over by placing toys at of reach, and sitting up with boppy pillow or between your legs. She'll eventually get the hang of it. But don't hesitate to voice your concern at her check up next week.

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