Make up Removal

Updated on July 31, 2008
M.C. asks from Spring Hill, FL
13 answers

hey, once again, my kids, they got into their grammys make up, and got black mascara on her white couch, OMG !!!!! Of course it is crazy , and I just can't keep up with the boys, so PLEASE HELP ME,
I need to get mascara out of a white couch
thank you again;

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answers from Tampa on

M., Theres this stuff called "awesome" you buy it at the dollar tree for a buck!!!! It is AMAZING... It takes care of any stain imaginable.. Good luck A.

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answers from Tampa on

I would recommend make up remover and then drench with water. I had two young daughters and was living with my Mom for a temporary period of time. It was exhausting keeping up with making sure everything remained ok at her home - nearly impossible! So I can relate to that FT job in itself!



answers from Tampa on

Clinique Take the Day Off make-up remover. Pricey, but very gentle yet very effective!

Good luck!



answers from Tampa on

Hi M., others have already suggested my first steps (Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, Oxi-Clean, eye make-up remover; I hadn't heard of "Unbelievable", I'm going to have to find that one!) When you get done, and the couch is clean and dry, SCOTCH GUARD!!!! Good luck!



answers from Lakeland on

Try the spray foam upholstry cleaner you can get in the grocery store. I had some possibly car grease on a chair seat and sprayed that on it and watched the foam lift it right out. The chair was a light colored recliner.



answers from Tampa on

Well, I know that Oxi-Clean (not Generic) is the cleaner of it leather, or cloth?



answers from Tampa on

Try the Mr.Clean Magic Eraser.It works on everything else,but I have never tried it out on a couch.Or rent a shampooerand try that.



answers from Tampa on

I have my own business with Mary Kay and we have the #1 selling brand of eye make-up remover. It is called Oil-Free Eye Make-up Remover. I don't know how it will work on a sofa (as opposed to your skin!), but maybe it would work. I would be willing to give you a sample so you could try it out. Just let me know.

-A. =)



answers from Tampa on

There is something call "Unbelievable" which you can buy at a local janitorial supply store. It truely is "unbelievable" as I've even gotten dried blood stains out of white shirts. I believe it works on all fabrics, just be sure you check.



answers from Tampa on

Try straight peroxide. I once removed black hair dye from a white carpet w/it...Worked like a charm...Good luck!



answers from Providence on

Have you tried Oxy Clean?



answers from Tampa on


It is best to know they fabric type of the couch. My friend's 2 yr old, got ink all over their leather couch, the only thing that worked was Alcohol. They found the information on line. I think they also called the furniture store where they bought their couch.



answers from Tampa on

if the couch is new enough it may be covered by the company she bought it from. try that before you clean it yourself. if it's covered and you clean it, they won't cover it anymore

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