Postpartum Depression Question

Updated on June 08, 2013
C.D. asks from Pflugerville, TX
10 answers

Can it show up 3 months postpartum? What are true symptoms? Just had my fourth end of February and am starting to feel sad, anxious, easily agitated. I have a four year old, almost 3-year old, 17 month old and the new baby. Before recently I thought I had a good handle on parenting four so young but recently I feel like I'm going crazy.
I'm really too embarrassed to ask someone I know. It's easier to ask strangers online.

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answers from Austin on

Mine showed up at 13mths as my first weaned from bf. If iits been more than 3 weeks talk to someone. I got meds for 6 months and they worked extremely quickly.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Yes. Please talk to someone. I think it is a deep dark secret that no one wants to talk about b/c we're "suppose to have it altogether".

I never "believed" in depression but suffered badly from it after my 2nd. I kept telling myself I was just tired (she was very colicky and never slept). In hindsight I wish I had talked to someone. I had some horrible horrible thoughts about my daughter, my children, myself (I.e. suicidal) and could totally relate to those media stories you'll hear. Thankfully I never acted on any of it.

Please, talk to someone. Maybe your church, a sibling, someone, you'll feel comfortable talking to about it.


Yes. Please talk to someone. I think it is a deep dark secret that no one wants to talk about b/c we're "suppose to have it altogether".

I never "believed" in depression but suffered badly from it after my 2nd. I kept telling myself I was just tired (she was very colicky and never slept). In hindsight I wish I had talked to someone. I had some horrible horrible thoughts about my daughter, my children, myself (I.e. suicidal) and could totally relate to those media stories you'll hear. Thankfully I never acted on any of it.

Please, talk to someone. Maybe your church, a sibling, someone, you'll feel comfortable talking to about it.

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answers from Dallas on

Yes, it can. Postpartum is considered for a year after your child's birth.

I suggest you talk to your OB. Don't be embarrassed to speak with them. They literally deal with this every day. It's quite common and nothing to be ashamed of!! Millions of women deal with this, and for your OB, it's part of their job to help you with it.

Good luck.

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answers from New York on

Not sure if it can come on three months later, but I know where you are coming from. I had a 3yo, 2yo, 1yo and newborn. They are now married and I have 8 grandchildren. So we all survived. Oh there were days!!!!!
It will get better. I cried a lot after my fourth but got over it. Try to get out by yourself to catch your breath. Try to do something for yourself. Even if it is reading a magazine. Certainly if this feeling gets out of hand, see your OB. Congratulations. Just read some other questions of yours. My husband was a NYC cop for 37 years!

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answers from Los Angeles on

It can show up anytime. If you're not feeling like yourself, you should talk to a doctor. Start with your OB or your primary care physician. If they think more action is required, see a therapist or a psychiatrist. Make sure you find one who specializes in PPD. Don't be ashamed about it and get help ASAP - the sooner you take care of it and find a way to manage the symptoms, the faster and easier it will be to recover from it.

You have four children under five years old. That is A LOT for anyone to take on. It must be exhausting and stressful. With a new baby, you're sleep deprived so it makes it even harder to take care of the other three.

Don't be h*** o* yourself. Understand that you're in a tough situation and that it's ok to get whatever help you need. I'm so sorry you're going through this but you will get better.

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answers from St. Louis on

Absolutely. Depression doesn't really have a timeline and it can surface at any time and at any age. Post-partum usually occurs shortly after your baby is born and you just never quite feel right since the birth. Given the fact that you are now three months down the line, this could be a form of clinical depression that has now surfaced or has been aggravated by lack of sleep, stress, hormonal shifts and changes from the pregnancy or it is also hereditary and may have just surfaced at this time. Please don't be are not alone. Many people suffer from varying degrees of depression and from different causes. I admire you for knowing and realizing that something isn't right. That's half the battle right there! I started having issues with depression after y second child was born. I was always tired, not very enthusiastic about anything, no interest in sex anymore, and just had a general awareness of feeling "off". Something just wasn't right. I finally went to my Internist and bless his heart, he helped me find myself again and also explained that it wasn't anything I was at fault for. Turns out that depression runs in both sides of my family and I just didn't know this because nobody spoke about it. I wish I would've known so I could have at least had that information up front. I was prescribed the lowest dosage possible of a medication called Zoloft. I am still on that same dosage today and I take my teeny green pill daily. It has restored me back to the person that I have always been and I am grateful for it. No more tired sloth of a person and I find happiness and joy everywhere around me like I always did prior to the depression being triggered. I am not ashamed of having this condition as it is not something I asked for or can "wish away" easily. It is what it is. If you feel the way you do and you suspect depression, go to your doctor or OB/GYN and speak to them. Tell them how you feel and when this started occurring. I promise you that they will more than understand and you will be able to return back to your normal self in no time. The older SSRI meds are much easier to take and have few, if any side effects. They are also very inexpensive. The Zoloft is wonderful and costs $7.00 per month on my health plan. Don't wait around to feel better. Go now and see if you can get out of this rut your in. You might only need to take meds for a short time to jump start the body again or it may be more long term. Whatever the case is, just know that you are not alone. If you have a good doctor, they will fix this up in no time. Cheers to getting this resolve soon and back to your happy and energized self! I promise!

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answers from Dallas on

sounds like exhaustion to me. Get yourself some relief if at all possible. Please don't be embarrassed to ask for help. Possibly a high schooler could come cover for you even 2 hours a day while you try and nap.



answers from Austin on

This is so difficult. I went through this myself and still deal with PMDD - 17 years after the birth of my last child! I think it is imperative to get yourself help right away. The dilemma is that many of the professionals will start out with "if I think your children may be in danger, I'll have to report you." Hence, I never went back to anyone. I spent years nursing my children until they were 5, homeschooling, attachment parenting - everything I could think of to do for my children, I did. I have a Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education adn Infant Intervention. But Post Partum and PMDD really affected my children. As grown women, they have anxiety issues themselves. Find someone you trust to get you through this. I think that someone with a 17 month old a 3 year old, a 4 year old and a new baby should get therapy whether they are dealing with Post partum or not. You just need to be able to talk out the stress you are under. It is possible that you've been experiencing post partum all this time but haven't had time to notice it!



answers from Chicago on

Yes, I was feeling like this a few weeks back (my baby is 4 months). I was in desperate need of some quality sleep. My baby does sleep, so it was a matter of making hubby up a bed in another room.

Please get yourself some quality sleep and self-care. Depression usually results of lack of sleep and self-care (eating well, exercise)...If you can figure it out, a little exercise a few times a week will also help greatly! I squeeze in 10 minutes in the morning before the kids wake up.



answers from Boston on

Wow. I am stressed just reading those ages. Take good care of yourself, otherwise u r no good to them. Somehow have help @ night so u can sleep, eat right and try to take walks if possible, maybe a mothers helper this summer. Meet up with friends and see a therapist if possible. Gl.

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