Trick or Treat... Do You?

Updated on October 17, 2013
M.C. asks from Louisville, KY
29 answers

I'm curious, with all the trunk-or-treats, church events, school events, and other alternatives to door-to-door trick or treating, do you still take your kids out?

Growing up, I LOVED going! We had a specific neighborhood we would hit up, and on the way home from that my dad would drop us off at the beginning of a trailer park that we lived right next to. Each of us would bring in a serious haul... Usually, at least 2/3 of a pillowcase. It was awesome. Lol.

Now I live in a town where I am not even sure where to go... But this town also happens to have a M&MS/Mars plant in it, and they host a HUGE block party where they have music, bounce houses, contests, games, trick-or-treating with vendors, and a line where kids get a bag of candy from them. Because my DD is still pretty young, we haven't bothered with more than that and going to the mall... Though I'm looking forward to the days of door-to-dooring it coming up in a few years. :)

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answers from Portland on

My son is six; since he was three we've trick-or-treated the neighborhood. The Halloween Fairy comes at night and trades most of the candy for a toy. I love me my Halloween Fairy! (She uses candy to make her 'house' and trades children toys for their candy.... silliest thing but it still holds!)

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answers from Dallas on

I would LOVE if people in my area still trick or treated. No one around here does. All the porch lights are off, and you might see a few kids walking around. It's just not a thing here. anymore. All the alternatives are not really alternatives anymore, they are the standard.

Trick or treating was an awesome part of my childhood. I wish I could give my son the same.

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answers from Houston on

I allowed my son trick or treating door-to-door. I still have treats available to hand put but rarely do any kids come. I love that tradition.

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answers from Detroit on

I think going around to neighborhoods was the BEST as a kid.
Our school hosted an event once and I thought that was just so lame. Trick or treat in a school???

I'd go for the 2-3 pillowcases every time, outside.

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answers from Dallas on

I came from a small sparse town and I loved trick or treating but it was very limited.

Now, our neighborhood goes all out. I have 200+ kids easily. I start ordering non candy treats by 9/1 and finish up with big candy bars the week of Halloween. I'm ahead this year!!

Costco had 30 pack asst candy bars ( big ones) $4 off limit 2. I got 2 packs today and will go for 1 more run at least. I also pass out erasers, pencils and toys.

We love Halloween here and when truck or treating us done, we all meet in 1 neighbors garage fir adult beverages and snacks!!

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answers from San Diego on

We do still take the kids door-to-door trick-or-treating.
But, the last few years it's been less worth it. There are just so many people that aren't home, or at least pretend to not be home. We go by several houses at a time until we find one to actually go to. We've been making our route a little longer to make up for it but there is only so much walking you can do with the kids and we end up carrying the youngest while the other 2 grumble.
We have several kids around the same age range all on our cul-du-sac so we all go out together with a bunch of the parents as well. We've been debating if it's really worth it. But we don't have an alternative we like better and the kids look forward to it each year, getting to spend that time with their friends.

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answers from Reno on

We do some events but we always trick or treat. Our neighbors love seeing the kids.
I have to say how fun at the M&MS/Mars plant.
Many blessings

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answers from Los Angeles on

We've never done a "made up" event and I don't believe Halloween is evil nor that evil lurks behind every door!
I trick or treated door to door as a kid and my son has trick or treated every year of his life--years 0-1-2, just immediate neighbors and grandmas, but at 10? He's a pro!
Our neighborhoods has a set time for trick or treating on Halloween evening. And we make sure to have enough candy to dole out.

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answers from San Francisco on

We always trick or treated growing up. Parents never came, it was kid's night out and it was a blast! Parents stayed home with the babies and toddlers and handed out the candy. We carried pillowcases and flashlights every year.
Our neighborhood (NOW) is steep, wooded, dark, the houses are far apart and there are very few children, so we've always had to drive our kids into other parts of town to trick or treat. Kind of a bummer but oh well, they still have a good time.

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answers from Austin on

Never missed a year till we started middle school, same with our daughter.

As a family, we adore Halloween!

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answers from Washington DC on

We do. We have done the mall, but I do prefer to go with friends and take DD in a known neighborhood. Last year was our first trick or treat out and about because the mall was shutting down and I decided to catch up with a friend instead. I would ask other families where they go, if any streets have spooky things that would scare your kid (there is a neighborhood near my ILs that is famous...and too much for DD). I figure an hour or so and she's done. That's plenty. As a kid, my uncle lived in a beach community that didn't see much traffic. We'd go there some years and score king sized candy bars.

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answers from Grand Forks on

We don't have alternatives here. Everyone just goes door to door trick-or-treating. We do have plenty of Halloween events leading up to Halloween, but they are all in addition to trick-or-treating, not instead of. I've been taking my boys out for Halloween since they were two. When they were little I would pull them in the wagon and they would only go for about an hour, but now we usually head out at 6:00pm and stay out until past 9:00pm. This year I will go out with my eight year old and a couple of his friends. My eleven year old will be going with a group of his friends.

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answers from New York on

Yes took my kids trick or treatin every year and still do

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answers from San Francisco on

Absolutely! Going door to door on Halloween night is what it's all about (to me). The other events are fun, but they aren't the same, especially since they are usually during the afternoon. For the last three years (including this one), we do a night of trick or treating at Disneyland and then door to door on Halloween.

We always go with a few friends, usually to a nice, small, gated community so there aren't as many cars driving by. The day after Halloween, we gather up the stuff they won't eat and extras of the stuff they got too much of and donate it to a local dentist's office. They pay my kids $1 per pound and send the candy to troops overseas.

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answers from Santa Fe on

Yes, everyone here in our town goes door to door trick or treating. We also have a fun Trick Or Treat on Main Street event in our little downtown that is fun...with businesses giving out candy, spooky music, halloween dances, haunted houses. We do that too...but that is never on Halloween's always the Friday before Halloween. Our neighborhood has tons of kids so it's very fun to first go trick or treating with my kids and then be home to answer the door and see kids in their costumes. I love it.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

We do take the kids for about an hour. We go to a couple of nicer neighborhood.

We also have a city wide party where we pay one fee for each child, they get an arm band to play all the games and do all the booths. They get at least a Walmart sack full of candy.

Then we have Trunk or Treat at our church. It's where we all back our vehicles around the church instead of pulling in front first. The kids trick or treat to the backs of our vehicles. Then we go inside and play games, win prizes, and perhaps the youth will have a haunted house...

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answers from Houston on

No, I'm way to old. The kids do though.

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answers from Anchorage on

For us Halloween, or as we call it, Samhain, is one of our biggest and most sacred days. It is a day to celebrate and remember all our ancestors that passed on before us. Dressing up and going door to door has its roots in these older traditions so I would be sad to see it go away completely. Luckily here most kids still go door to door.

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answers from Washington DC on

We will go to the kid's school tomorrow night for a Fall Festival, costumes, games, fun, etc. Next weekend we are going to Great Wolf Lodge, where they have Halloween activities as well. Then Halloween night. My kids love to trick or treat and will do it until they don't want to anymore. I took my daughter as young 16 months trick or treating. We didn't do much, only a few houses, but she loved it!

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answers from Huntington on

When the kiddos were babies/toddlers, we would go to a trick-or-trunk at my parent's church, which was just the right amount of time and candy for such little kids.
My kids are 5, 8 and 10 now. We live in a big very suburban middle class neighborhood just chock full of young families. Almost everyone in this neighborhood has kids, and most people here are pretty darn festive. You can expect some pretty great decorations, a few garages converted into spook alleys, Hot chocolate, cider and donut stations set up in some Teople's yards, and a zillion children! It is pretty different from our old place, where we would get maybe 1-2 trick or treaters at the most.

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answers from Denver on

Yeah, my kids go. In my old(er) age, I'm getting quite poo-poo-ey about it though. It is a hassle! The weather is unpredictable, its hard to get from house to house in the costumes, the houses are spread apart just enough that it is a lot of walking for not a ton of candy, and to top it off, we get "drop-offs" in our neighborhood, because we look like wealthier families due to the size of the homes. And these drop off kids and parents have NO manners! They come way too late, and there are way too many!
Re-reading my post, I think I don't like Halloween anymore, and its time to shut out the lights and go somewhere else that evening! Either that, or its time for bed!

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answers from Kansas City on

We trick or treat! Last year (I don't know if they're doing it this year because it's not on a Wednesday) we started at the comic book store where she got a free comic for trick or treating there, then hit up the street down the street from us where everyone goes all out. We love it.

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answers from Salinas on

We LOVE halloween. We have friends in a nearby neighborhood who throw and "open house" each year. Houses are too spread out with no sidewalks in our area so everyone goes to that neighborhood.

It's super fun for kids and adults. Lots of decorations and families of all ages. The adults meet for wine and appetizers. If the Giants are in the playoffs we catch some of the game in between treating. The bigger kids can safely roam because everyone knows eachother. Looking forward to it again this year!

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answers from Houston on

Yes and I love it!
My neighborhood is very child friendly and not all but several neighbors do have their lights on and candy for the kids.
I invite some friends and we all go out together and I leave grandma at the door with the candies for the kids that come to our house.



answers from Houston on

I didn't do any of that, and I don't plan to take my kid out to do it.



answers from Los Angeles on

Yes, we trick-or-treat!
My youngest loves it.
Our community has come up with lots of other 'dress up" based activities
like trunk-or-treat, fairs etc.
I take him to those 2 as well as trick or treating. Why? Because he likes
it. The candy is shared w/grandparents, aunts etc. Dad gets them in his
You're only young once & I am creating memories!!



answers from Los Angeles on

we do both trunk-or-treat at my kids' schools and we door to door trick or treat, we looooove Halloween!


answers from Norfolk on

Where we are the county has a rule that says you are too old to trick or treat once you are 13.
Parents or older siblings can take younger kids door to door.

We never did a lot of trick or treating.
Where we use to live the town had a Halloween parade.
Everyone - adults/teens/kids/infants/pets - were in costume.
It was well lit, the floats and fire trucks all threw plenty of candy, all the high school marching bands in it wore costumes.
You got PLENTY of candy and never had to go door to door, and it was great fun seeing all the costumes everyone came up with - many were home made.
If we still lived in that area we'd still be going to that parade!



answers from Minneapolis on

My kids are 9 & 6 and I don't make them go trick or treating but they want to. We will also go to the community center the weekend before for dress up activities and go to grandparents' houses to show off costumes.

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