What Do You Serve as Sides for Pork Bbq?

Updated on December 03, 2012
M.D. asks from Washington, DC
19 answers

I have a friend who's husband is working the 230-11 shift and he is being very little help when he gets home, in the mornings, or doing anything in the house during the day. They have two girls that are active in the evenings, so everything is falling on my friend.

I'd like to make her dinner the one night of the week they are home and bring it to her, but I'm not sure what other people normally serve with por bbq. The one I make is amazing and everyone loves it, plus it's easy and makes more than enough for us and them for dinner for two nights.

My husband normally makes his potato salad, and then we'll add a salad on the side as the veggie. What about you guys? Or would you be glad to get pork bbq, potato salad, and salad?

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Thank you all! Great ideas!

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answers from Boston on

What a nice idea! I think that this time of year, I would go with a hot macaroni and cheese on the side instead of the potato salad. And some cole slaw. Marie's makes an amazing cole slaw dressing that you can toss with a bag of shredded slaw mix (I prefer a mix that's more broccoli/carrot/red cabbage than the traditional green/white cabbage). That way even if the kids don't eat pork (one of mine doesn't) most kids do eat mac and cheese and the picky eater can have that. You're a good friend!

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answers from Washington DC on

potato salad, chopped green salad, cole slaw, buttered corn, green beans sauteed with walnuts, massaged kale salad.
:) khairete

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answers from Jacksonville on

We are in the south, and usually have cole slaw and garlic bread. Or if you are putting the BBQ (pulled pork) on a bun, then skip the garlic bread. Or use the garlic bread as the bun.

In fact, that is what we are having for dinner tonight. Better get up from here and go put the pork in the crock pot.

ETA: Carolina Style is putting cole slaw ON the pork sandwich, just FYI. So, if you throw some cole slaw together as a side, you can have your sandwich whichever way you prefer. My husband likes it Carolina style, I don't.

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answers from St. Louis on

It really depends on the time of year. Like in the winter I tend to go with mashed potatoes and hot green beans. In the summer potato salad and slaw.

In the end, sans liver and onions, any food I don't have to cook tastes great!

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answers from Chicago on

Black beans and rice.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I think I'd be thrilled with the bbq, potato salad and salad. We also like a broccoli slaw to go along with our bbq (I simply mix a bag of "broccoli slaw mix" with some slaw dressing, I like Marzetti's, and let it sit for a bit to meld the flavors).

Very nice of you to help out your friend.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Sounds good!
I make baked (really baked) beans, COC, green salad...

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answers from Santa Fe on

I just went to a friend's house who made pulled pork sandwiches. They had this amazing coleslaw - the sauce was very light and had cumin in it and was slightly spicy. It was very good.They also served a spinach/arugula salad with roasted beets and goat cheese. They also served a delicious fruit salad with a yogurt dressing (with cinnamon). Everything was so good!

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answers from Cleveland on

We choose usually two of the following - baked beans, bakes apples wedges, corn on the cob (grilled or regular), salad, baked potatoes, grilled potatoes w/ onions or cawl slaw.

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answers from Chicago on

Corn bread and baked beans!

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answers from Kalamazoo on

I figure you already have a meat and bread, so go with a veggie.
I like coleslaw or you could do a steamed broccoli, gr beans or peas.
Or just pickles and chips!

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answers from Baton Rouge on

If someone else is cooking, I will eat whatever sides they send, and be damn glad to get them!

My personal favorite sides for bbq are baked beans, corn on the cob, potato salad, green salad, and/or cole slaw.

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answers from Washington DC on

Mac & Cheese


Salad or Fruit Salad

Thoughtful Idea!
Best of Luck,

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answers from New York on

I'd be thrilled. It's plenty. If you really wanted to add one more thing - perhaps some crusty rolls. Yum. You're a good friend.

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answers from Dallas on

I would just make the same thing you make for your family. I think potato salad and salad should good with that or maybe a coleslaw. I am sure your friend will appreciate anything that you bring her!!!

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answers from Grand Forks on

Baked beans, cole slaw and buns.



answers from Richmond on

I always serve coleslaw b/c Hubby and I like it on top of the BBQ. I generally serve mac and cheese and a salad and fruit as well. I only do the mac and cheese b/c I have a son who will not eat pork or beef. For someone else, I would make the BBQ, coleslaw, rolls and either take a fruit salad or some apples/oranges/pears (b/c berries are not in season right now).



answers from San Francisco on

Pasta salad, corn on the cob, and dinner rolls.

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