Birthdays: A&D

Birthday Party Preparation

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19 answers

Severe Persistent Diaper Rash

Hello everybody, and thanks for reading in advance! My three year old is still in diapers, and she's had this diaper rash on and off for a little while, and now it's just won't get better! It's mostly in between her legs, looks red, with red bumps, and skin looks wrinkly as in post welts. Its not peely, or scaly, it looks pruny We have tried Whole foods diapers, Earths Best diapers. She seems to be sensitive and itch from diapers that have inner blue lining ( before last year she was in pampers crusers and never had an issue, but then...


Daughters 2Nd B-day

Hi Moms, I'm starting to think about where & what to do for my daughters...