Body Changes: Neocate

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16 answers

10 Week Old with Digestion Issues

Hi Moms, My 10 week old little boy has been struggling to feel good since he came into the world nearly 4 weeks early. He spent some time in the NICU and he was on both antibiotics and antiviral medication for a few days. I mention this because I am concerned it is part of the reason his tummy is bothering him. He is very gassy, has no problem passing it on either end. But he seems constipated, and he is breastfed. He'll go 2-3 days with nothing, miserable and pushing the whole time, and then have 3-4 blowout diapers the next day. ...


Pros and Cons?

I have a friend that is now pregnant with her third child, she is 20 weeks...

Pregnancy Diarrhea

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21 answers

Diarrhea in Breastfed Infant

When my son was 2 weeks old, he began having diarrhea. It went on for a week before my pediatrician finally sent us to a GI specialist who felt it was a protein allergy causing the problem. We switched him to Neocate formula for 2 weeks and I eliminated all dairy, soy and eggs from my diet (I'm also a vegetarian and drink only water and rice milk - no juice). We began breastfeeding again this past Friday and he's got diarrhea again (he'll be 6 weeks on Sunday). I'm now removing wheat, corn and nuts in addition for sure but I may try a...