Cleaning & Housekeeping: Steroids

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27 answers

Pulmicort - Steroids for Asthma/Lung Issues

Do any of you have children who have taken Pulmicort or another steroid for asthma/lung issues. My son was born 3 months premature and therefore had immature lungs. In addition he had a chest tube for a pneumo-thorax and pneumonia all in the first two weeks of life, came home on oxygen, etc. This was all a year ago and he's doing incredible. Has been off of oxygen since April. All of that said, he is struggling with weather changes and the cold and flu season. A tiny cold leads to wheezing and bronchiolitis almost every time. My doc...


Treatment for Asthma

Hi, Is there any treatment for asthma? Homeopathy or some other medicine,...

Dry Cleaner

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20 answers

Bathing Too Often in Dry Climate?

So I have a question for all of you moms in Utah....OR any area where the air is really dry. How often do you bathe your children? I have been bathing my 3 yr old and 1 yr old about 3 times a week, but lately they've been outside more, and my 1 yr old has been feeding herself more, so I think they need a bath each day. Have any of you had problems with their skin drying out? Thanks!!