Cooking: Steroids

5 answers

Food/environmental Allergies with Childrern?

I was just wondering if any other families experience food allergies/environmental allergies with their children and if so, what do you do? I have a 3.5 year old son who is allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, dust mites, dogs, cats, ragweed, mold and weeds. I had to make all of his food from scratch for 1.5 years and have just started allowing him processed has been tricky. His eczema is really bad in some seasons due to all of his environemental allergies (I had giving him medicine!!) We have joined a few allergy...

Eating Out

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11 answers

Help! Steroids Affecting Baby's Sleeping/eating

My 16 month old baby can catch the FLU and she can catch a COLD, but she just can't CATCH A BREAK!! She's so tiny and we're working with doctors to monitor her weight gain and she just keeps getting sick! ARGH! so frustrating I just want to cry! Anyways, she came down with a cold and developed croup, we took her to the ER Sun morning because she had stridor (straining to breathe in) and they gave her an oral steroid. It took almost 3 hours to get her to sleep last night, she was so WIDE AWAKE! And she would throw herself against the...