Diaper Rash: Epi

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18 answers

Severe Skin Rash

In the past few months my 7 month old has developed an eczema like rash (raised red blotches) on his tummy, back, legs and arms. The rash seems to be worse during the day, which leads me to believe it's a food allergy. It also gets worse month to month. In addition, several times a day he'll develop a red circle around his left eyelid & under his eye. It almost looks as if he'd been punched. Has anyone else experienced this? Btw..he doesn't seem bothered by any of it.

Home Remedies

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24 answers

Any "Natural" Remedies for Asthma Out There?

Hello, I have a 17 month old who is on a nebulizer 2-3 times a day (more when he sounds bad) he is also on an allergy medicine that he takes at night. I'm concerned that we are relying too heavily on drugs and was wondering if there are any natural remedies out there that anyone has found successful.