Milestones: Baby Bjorn

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22 answers

Baby Wearing Advice

I have been researching different baby carriers for my 3rd baby due next month. I had a Baby Bjorn with the first two, and rarely ever used it. I am leaning toward a wrap, but was curious as to whether moms preferred a stretchy wrap like the Moby or a woven wrap. If you use any kind of sling or wrap, I'd love to hear what works for you. S.


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14 answers

Need Step Stool for Potty

My daughter is successfully potty training. However, recently she has been preferring the baby bjorn little potty over the potty seat that sits on our toilet. I think this is because at day care they have a smaller toilet that she can get on and off of herself...I'm excited for her to go in any potty, but the potty seat has never been a problem before and frankly it's a lot easier/more sanitary than the potty chair. We already have the baby bjorn step stool, but it's not high enough for her to get onto the big toilet herself. I'd like...