Personal Style: Curves

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35 answers

Curves Work for You?

I've once again decided it's time to do something about my weight. I used to be thin and trim without trying, was very active in sports, aerobics, etc. Then kids came. I've slowly put on weight for the past 10 years. I've tried several "life style changes" (aka - diets). W.W. worked for a while several years ago, I've tried that recently and I just can't seem to stick to it. Also did Thin & Healthy, once again worked for a short while, couldn't handle it in the long run. Prism and I didn't work well together at all. We have a local Curves,...

Post-Pregnancy Style

See all 56 articles
19 answers

Seeking Moms Who Love Their Post-baby Bodies for Magazine Article

Hi, I'm working on an article about women who LOVE their post-baby bodies. Maybe you love the extra curves, maybe having a baby inspired you to get into better shape, or maybe you see any stretch marks, etc. as badges of honor. Whatever the case may be, I'd love to talk to you! Please tell me a little bit about yourself and we'll go from there. Thanks! K.


Belly After Baby

I had three babies in under 3 years.... and just wondering now it's been...


To the Young Mom's

I had my son shortly after I turned 21 and gained around 80 pounds give or...