Playing with Others: Toddler, Water Toys

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14 answers

What Should We Play?

My son has just turned 17 months old. I sometimes feel like he gets bored when he plays. Well he isn't really bored, but I am just wanting some new ideas for activities. He loves animals, balls, blocks, books, crayons, cars, pots and pans, all the regular kid stuff. These can be things for us to do together or just for him. I don't know if he quite gets pretend play (I said lets be lions and he just likes when I roar and then he does it, but that is about the extent of it). He loves to run in the back yard, but it has been cold, so indoor...


Down Time for SAHM

I am a stay at home mom to a wonderfully active 21 month old son. My husband...

Places to Take a Toddler

See all 9 articles
7 answers

Activities for Bored 2 Year Old.

My son drives me nuts all day long because he wont entertain himself. He has all the toys in the world, but he doesn't really play with them. He doesn't like to color, and he doesn't like playdough. I bought him a chalk board to play with, but he only wants to eat the chalk. I try taking him outside where he has a huge swingset and lots of water toys, but he wants back inside. I also bought him a set of dishes for a drawer of his own in the kitchen, but that didn't keep him entertained very long. Help!!! i need advice. I have a 1 month old...