Pregnancy: Toddler, Puppets

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29 answers

How to Survive a 13 Hour Plane Trip with a 17 Month Old??

My husband and I are flying from West coast US to Australia next month with our 17 month old son. His favorite word is down and he is NOT a cuddler!!! I am starting to collect a few ideas on how to get through this flight (plus the 2 3-hour flights on either side of it). My pediatricians only advice was to not do it... this is not an option!! We will be there for 3 weeks and then have the same flight pattern home. Has anyone been in the same spot? What about using benadryl or something to help him sleep? (mind you, I am NOT a fan of...


Bored 14 Month Old -

Hi Moms, I am starting to think my daughter is getting bored during the...

Baby Shower

See all 44 articles
17 answers

Baby Shower Gift for Twins

Hello! A friend of mine is having identical twin girls. Her baby shower is this Sunday and I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas on what to get for her. I would love to hear from moms of twins on some things they couldn't have lived without. Thanks for your time!


Bored 14 Month Old -

Hi Moms, I am starting to think my daughter is getting bored during the...

Bringing Baby Home

12 answers

Baby #2 Due in 3 Weeks- How to Talk to 3 Year Old About Being in the Hospital

Hello. I am due to have my second baby in about 3 weeks and have been trying to figure out a the best way to tell my 3 year old daughter that I will be in the hospital for a day or two giving birth. I am looking for suggestions on a way in which she will understand the "reality" of coming home with a new baby. She is very excited to meet our new baby but I imagine it is going to be different once the new baby arrives. She is very much our "focus" and we give all of our time and love to her now- which of course will be shared very soon....

In the Womb

See all 19 articles
29 answers

How to Survive a 13 Hour Plane Trip with a 17 Month Old??

My husband and I are flying from West coast US to Australia next month with our 17 month old son. His favorite word is down and he is NOT a cuddler!!! I am starting to collect a few ideas on how to get through this flight (plus the 2 3-hour flights on either side of it). My pediatricians only advice was to not do it... this is not an option!! We will be there for 3 weeks and then have the same flight pattern home. Has anyone been in the same spot? What about using benadryl or something to help him sleep? (mind you, I am NOT a fan of...

Labor & Delivery

See all 18 articles
26 answers

Advice on Preterm Labor

I am not quite 34 weeks pregnant and was put on strict bedrest this afternoon after the Dr. discovered that I have dilated to a 3 and am 50% effaced. As long as I'm laying down, I don't have contractions, but the second I stand up and/or walk, I have constant contractions (although they're not painful). I've done quite a bit of research about complications the baby could experience, but I would appreciate hearing from anyone who's delivered a baby at this stage--what to expect, etc. Also, what's the likelihood that I'll be able to hold...