Sheets, Blankets, Pillows: Preschooler, Singulair

Results 1-10 from 13 articles

Swing Sleeping

T.W. asks from Augusta

Okay I'm bad :) I have another question. WE just found out that Mason has reflux and they put him on Zantac(sp?) which is great, but for the past 4 nights he only w...


5 Month Old with Congestion

L.N. asks from Seattle

Our 5 month old boy twins have been exposed to everything that our 3 year old brings home from preschool. They had just started sleeping through the night when they ...


Extreme Tantrums

A.K. asks from Pocatello

I am seeking help with my 3 1/2 year old daughter. She has been throwing the biggest fits lately and I am at my wits end. She is very smart and stubborn but she ta...


Toddler with Seasonal Allergies

J.K. asks from Philadelphia

My 19 month old is suffering from seasonal allergies. The pollen has been pretty bad in Delaware lately and he is an absolute miserable mess. We tried Benadryl but...


16 Month Old with Cough and Congestion Every Night

L.K. asks from Spartanburg

hello, My 16 month old son does not sleep well at night, he wakes up about every half an hour because he is coughing, and gets really congested, and its only at night...


Coughing at Night

J.B. asks from Cleveland

Hi. My daughter has had the sniffles for a week or two; she's seen the doc and he says it's a cold and just to wait it out since she has no fever and doesn't seem con...


My 5 Week Old Was Just Diagnosed W/ Pneumonia and a Touch of RSV-I Need Advice

J.W. asks from St. Louis

My 5 week old and 2 year old have had a bad cough, runny nose, sneezing for about 10 days now. My 5 week old was just dx with pneumonia, although the radiologist tha...


6 Weeks Old with Mucus in Throat

K.C. asks from Houston

Can anyone give me a suggestion on how to get rid of the mucus in my baby's throat? She seems very restless when she sleeps and she spit/vomit alot and I'm thinking...


6 Month Old Is Always Congested

J.W. asks from Philadelphia

My 6 mo. old daughter has been congested to some degree since birth. It is mainly in her throat/chest, NOT her nose/sinuses. Initially I related it to her acid refl...


5 Month Old with RSV

T.C. asks from Indianapolis

My 5 month old little boy was just diagnosed with RSV. We began breathing treatments 4x a day for the next month at least and it is torture for ME! He cries and wig...