Sleep: Infant, Simplicity

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8 answers

Advice for Traveling with Infant Needed

I'm planning a trip to visit family in the Twin Cities with my infant. She'll be 10 weeks when we go. I'm trying to figure out what I can bring on the plane with me, what I can check, can I bring breast milk or formula through security etc. We'll be flying Continental. The customer service rep on the phone wasn't very helpful when I called. I was hoping to bring her travel system with us (minus the base, my parents have one already). Can The plane we'll be on has a gate check option -- can I gate check her infant seat and stroller? I was...

Child Sleep Issues

See all 28 articles
24 answers

Baby Carriers or Slings?

Any advice on baby carriers for newborns and beyond six months? Feedback on pros/cons on brands like the ERGO, Baby Bjorn, Beco and Infantino backpack carrier would be great. I'd also love to hear feedback on reasons why someone would use a sling (I'm a bit afraid to use it given the recent recall) vs. carrier. Thanks!