Soy: Myself, Safeway

Results 1-10 from 66 articles

Soy Milk

B.B. asks from Denver

I am looking for information and alternatives to cow's milk. My son did not take to it well, so I switched him to Soy Milk. I then heard that a recent study come ou...


Thanks for the Advice on Soy Milk

C.S. asks from Portland

Thanks for the advice on Soy Milk



E.A. asks from Chicago

I am 25 weeks pregnant and I am starting to think about formula. My son who is now 5 I had VERY LITTLE breast milk. Just in case I don't have any breast milk again I...


Opinion on Best Organic Brand of Soy Formula and Probiotic for 4 Month Old?

A.D. asks from Seattle

My son is just about 4 months old and is very gassy and he is constantly spitting up. He is lactose intolerant so right now I have him on the Similac Sensitve RS, for...


Intolerance to Dairy and Soy Milk?

M.D. asks from San Francisco

HI moms. I nursed my son for 10 months, switched to regular milk formula and he was extremely gassy, congested and phlegmy. Switched to soy formula per pedi's advic...


1 Year Old with Soy and Dairy Allergy

E.W. asks from San Francisco

My baby finally turned one and now I don't know what to feed him anymore. He's been on Nutramigen for the last 4 months since I weaned him due to dairy and soy allerg...


What's the Best Formula?

W.T. asks from Washington DC

My 6 month old is strictly breastfed but I'd like to have some formula on hand for emergencies. What is the best formula out there? Price is not an issue as I'll on...


Problems with My 12 Month Old Drinking Both Regular Milk and Soy

T.S. asks from Washington DC

I have a 12 month old little boy he was on ailimentum formula as an infant my Dr. swithched him first to Soy b/c he stopped wanting to drink the formula and he is 1 y...


Organic Formula Issue

K.S. asks from Pittsburgh

I have been working real hard to make sure my 8 mos. olds diet is as good as it can be. I make all her food (all organic veggies and fruits)....only all natural food ...


My 12 Mo Old Will Not Drink Regular Milk or Soy-

R.S. asks from Phoenix

I need some advice...My 12 mo old was breastfed up until now and refuses to drink regular & soy milk. Everytime I offer it, he takes a sip and spits it out all over....