Waking up Sreaming

Updated on April 14, 2007
E.W. asks from Winter Park, FL
16 answers

My daughter is 9 months old and for the last month she has been waking up several times throughout the night SCREAMING. I really don't know what could be the cause of this, she is an exremely happy baby in the daytime. I give her a binky or a bottle and she goes back to sleep after a few minutes. I usually bring her into out bed after the 2nd time of her waking up, and she still does it once or twice more throughout the rest of the night. When the sun comes up and she wakes up cooing and smiling- her happy self again. Did anyone else go through this? I am thinking that it can't be night terrors as she is so little. She is teething right now- but she seems fine in the day, I don't know what to do. I really would appreciate any advice.

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So What Happened?

Last night I gave Sophia a huge bowl of cereal right before bed and she slept until 5am before she woke up screaming- I gave her a bottle and she quickly drank it down. I think it is her teeth and being so hungry from growing like a weed. :) Thank you ladies for all of your wonderful advice.

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answers from Daytona Beach on

Hi E., my daughter is 9m as well and teething. She is also a happy bubbly little girl in the daytime but when teething she wakes up between 4-5 am crying. I usually just give her a bottle (keep all lights low, not much interaction, house quet) and rock her. She will fall right back to sleep. I sometimes give her pediatric tylenol before bed. It works well. I think you have nothing to worry about, when the teeth stop moving, she will sleep through the night again. Good luck!

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answers from Orlando on

My daughter is also 9 months. She has started doing the same thing. I think that it is just a little thing that they are going through. They are teething really badly now and are in the attachment stage. Hopefully they should grow out of it soon. I know I can't wait to sleep through the night again...lol. HOpefully this helps. Email me anytime. ____@____.com....Thanks D.

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answers from Burlington on

Hi E.,

Without fail, each time my daughter has been teething it affects her sleep and she wakes up screaming and seeming uncomfortable. My bet is that is what it is. I haven't found a fool proof solution, I just comfort my little one and sooth her back to sleep. I know it is frustrating though, to have your baby crying and not know why or what to do. Best of luck, if it is the teething, it will pass- until the next tooth (teeth) come along. :)

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answers from Daytona Beach on

My daughter used to do this, I now have a night light next to her bed. I also did something else, I made a picture wall of our combined family. When she falls asleep outside of her bed, place her back in bed. It works, I promise. Good luck!

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answers from Orlando on


I also had a daughter that had night terrors for more than 6 months. She was almost 2 1/2 when they started. I would not imagine that a baby that young could have them, but ask your pediatrician. Teething also does strange things to children. I would not be too concerned, I can not imagine that its an indicator of anything more than maybe gas or a little tooth pain or maybe an ear infection. I am an adult that suffers from ear infections still (it's awful) and the pain comes in waves sometimes, it has awaken me out of a sleep for a minute or two several times. Fevers do not always accompany an ear infection. Hope this is helpful.

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answers from Miami on

My son did the same thing. I had to prop him upright. I think it had something to do with mucus draining and he couldn't breathe. Did you check for an ear infection?

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answers from Fort Myers on

its probably teething. it prob hits her like a bolt at night. try having orajel on hand and keep her head elevated if possible. i used to put a bed pillow under the crib mattress to lift it when little ones had a cold or teething. it keeps the pressure from rushing to her head. just be careful not to create gaps in the crip.

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answers from Fort Myers on

I have an 19 month old that does the same thing to a degree however we believe that she is having night terrors. My husband has night terrors still to this day which is rare in adults so we are assuming that she is having them also. It only happens every so often...a few times a month maybe. She wakes up screaming or crying a very scared little cry and we have to physically wake her up by turning on all the lights and snapping our fingers and calling her name until she snaps out of it.

But when she was younger she did the exact same thing that you are experiencing with yours. It could be that your little one is just having bad dreams or maybe leg cramps from growing pains? Every time Aubry (my daughter) would hit a growth spurt she would scream at intervals after falling asleep because her legs were hurting. After you start to recognize the types of cries between the bad dreams and the growing pains it's easier on you. Try massaging her legs next time she does it and maybe give her a little baby tylonol to see if it helps soothe her.


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answers from Fort Myers on

When my kids were teething it was always more upsetting at night. That may just be the problem. You could try giving her Ibuprophin before bed until this passes. There are just so many happy distractions during the day they often don't notice as much. And I think the inflimation is worse at night anyway.
Good luck. Just remember you're not alone. And this too shall pass.

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answers from Orlando on

I am also going to say it is probably the teething. My daughter (who has slept through the night since she was 3 months old) started doing the same thing a month ago, she is now 10 months old and she still does it. The first time she started waking up at night screaming I didn't know what it was, but within a week or so I noticed her 2 first teeth coming through. It's been going on for a month now and I thought it would be over by now, but now this week she has 4 of her top teeth that just broke through within a couple days of each other! So, I'm hoping there's a break after this from teeth for a little bit, for her sake. I can't imagine how it feels to have teeth breaking through your gums! I did take her to the doctors a couple weeks ago because I wanted to make sure it wasn't an ear infection since she had been pulling at her ears and he said it was just teething. It just hurts them more at night because they're calming down and not pre-occupied, so they realize that it hurts and that is why it is worse at night. So, I would just keep up the oragel and some tylenol before bedtime and hopefully it will get better!! I also give my daughter frozen peaches in those little mesh strainer bags after dinner, just to help keep her gums cold. Good luck!!

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answers from Gainesville on

My daughter also did that from about 9-12 mos. The pediatrician said they could be night terrors. She said the textbooks say children don't dream until later in life, but she had been in practice long enough to know not everything or everyone is textbook. In any event, Rachel would wake up screaming, not just the "i woke up come help me get back to sleep scream", it was a I'm scared and/or hurt scream. I would go and check everything, nothing would be out of sorts, and she would go back to sleep. Nothing I did altered the pattern. Eventually she stopped doing it. I would consult your pediatrician if it continues to be a problem just in case. Good Luck!



answers from Boca Raton on

Hi E.,

Have you ruled out an ear infection? If so, then it could definitely be from the teething. My daughter didn't get her 1st tooth until she was 9 months old, even though she had been teething since about 6 months. I know everytime I put her down, she would get very fussy, but she'd also be fussing during the day somewhat. so it depends on the level of severity of pain she's experiencing. It may also bother her more @ night. I hope you find a solution to this. You might want to try giving her a teething cold ring, as that will soothe her irritated gums.



answers from Boca Raton on

If it is teething, I see a lot of Moms responded that that may be the case, I would recommend Hylands Teething Tablets instead of Tylenol. The teething tablets are natural, they help the baby sleep and are wonderful!!! I think I used 3 at that age... the tablets are very tiny - probably 100 in the container. You can either feed directly in baby's mouth (they dissolve quickly) or drop them into her bottle before feeding. I didn't feel right using Tylenol all the time and these tablets helped my little girl (now 17 months) and ME sleep!
You may also need to look at bedtime/sleeping routines. By this time a baby figures out that if they cry, you will come. Perhaps that could be the issue, too. We started sleep training our daughter around this time so that she would sleep through the night... and so could we.
Good luck.



answers from Miami on

My 11 mos old daughter, started randomly waking up screaming around 9 mos or so. I would try to nurse her and she would drift off to sleep and wake up 30 - 45 min later screaming. I took her to the Dr. and it turned out she had an ear infection. (Even though, she showed no other symptoms like fever, and she was perfectly happy and cheery during the day) The past couple of months - whenever she seems inconsolable at night, I'll take her in and she'll have another ear infection. She never had ONE before 9 mos, and she's had 3 now.
Anyway, just wanted to share. =)
Maybe you should check it out.



answers from Boca Raton on

I don't know if you have talked to your pediatritian yet, my son has been doing the same thing, but has finally gotten it down to just once a night. It seems like it is more likely his teeth...but I have broken him of his pacy for the reason that he would loose it so much during the night and then wake up realizing it. It does take a few days to do, but once broken, it really helps cause all I need to do now is turn on his soft music and he's back to sleep for the rest of the night. (I use a nature sounds cd that is about 1 hour long to soothe him.)
you may try that...cause basically it seems from your description that we are in the same boat, just my son is a little older
Good luck , and let me know if you like :O)



answers from Orlando on

That happened to me too, I was told that it was night terrors that occurs usually at 2 years--whatever!!! It was so scarry!! Anyway some tips are to quietly enter her roomand if she looks at you with recognition of who u r and signals that she wants you to hold her it is ok to do so. However if she just screams and does not realize you have even entered the room, it is best to leave her alone and let her scream it out, as involving yourself in the situation can provoke it anad make it worse. I hope that helps!!--C.

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