Bottles: Infant, Maalox

Bottles Accessories

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15 answers

2 Month Old Refusing Bottle

Okay ladies-HELP!!! Thanks to those who have already responded!! My 2 month old is refusing to take a bottle (I forgot to mention that it's breastmilk we're trying to give her in the bottle, not formula.)-to the point where she's screaming so hard she turns deep red/purple. I saw somebody else on this site that had a similar post, but her child was older and on solids so at least her baby could get some food. My baby goes to daycare 3 days a week, and won't eat all day, and is a wreck by the time I get there. My mom/husband/childcare...


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53 answers

Experience W/ Colic Calm Gripe Water ? Prevacid/Zantac Not Working

My baby is 5 weeks old and was diagnosed a week ago with reflux (GER) which she's had probably since she was about 3-3.5 weeks old. She cries nonstop all day basically. She's on prevacid in the morning maalox max throughout the day (as needed) which provides very temporary relief (few minutes) and Zantac at night. It's been just over 5 days now and we're still not seeing much improvement. My ped GI said give it 2 weeks but that just seems ridiculous - you'd think by now I'd see a little improvement! I heard about Colic Calm gripe water....