Clothing & Accessories: Parents' Choice

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50 answers

Diaper Brand Suggestions??

So, we've always been a Pampers family and used them consistently with my son when he was a baby and now with my daughter, we're using them also. I absolutely love them, but they're so much more expensive than many others. We've tried a few other brands like Parents Choice (the Walmart brand ones) and while much cheaper, they didn't work at all - they constantly leaked, didn't fit right, irritated the baby's skin, etc. So I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on diapers that they used that cost less than Pampers but work just as...


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15 answers

Parents Choice Formula

I would like to get opinions on the Parents Choice Infant & Toddler Formula. I have noticed the price difference compared to other formulas but just wondering if it's a good formula. Thanks in advance for any helpful info.


Parents Choice Brand

Hi, Has anyone here used Parents Choice brand formula(Wal Mart)? What has...


Organic or Not????

Want to know what others know/think about organic food/ organic everything...