Cold & Flu: Toddler, Steroids

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30 answers

Cold, Runny Nose Advice

My 18 month old has her first cold. She has a runny nose, and drainage that made her gag and throw up a little last night. I could hear that she has a lot of drainage and was having trouble breathing through her nose. I have been SO very lucky that she has been a very healthy child. She just started in a Mother's Day Out program, so I am sure she'll begin to pick up more germs. Can anyone give me advice on alleviating cold symptoms and what to watch for, in terms of this moving to an ear infection? Should I use the humidifier? Vapor rub?...


Asthma & Steroids

Hello, I am seeking advice from other Mom's that have experience with young...


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12 answers

My 8 Month Old Was Giving a Dose of Steroids an Antibiotic

My 8 month was given a dose of steroids an antibiotic tonight for ear infection, bad cough, sneezing an runny nose. I was wondering if it was okay to give her a Hyland baby night tiny cold tablets since she had a dose of steroids. She’s not sleeping very well coughing really hard an sneezing where it’s making hard for her to sleep


Cough Cough Cough!

I have the most IRRITATING cough that I cannot seem to shake! I am about 8...


Toddler with Cough

What do you do for a 2 year old with a really bad cough. Well actually, the...

Sore Throat

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16 answers

Home Remedies for Cough/sore Throat

My 4 year old is coughing non-stop after catching something from my 7 year old. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic so he's taking that, but that doesn't ease the coughing or the sore throat. He's only 4 so cough medicines are out of the question (per the doctor). He saw big sis using cough drops so he wanted to try it, but it was too "spicy" for him. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you!