Cooking: Infant, Gerber

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24 answers

SUGAR FREE Snacks for a 6 Month Old

I am looking for a snack for my son that has no added sugar. All the gerber star puffs and rice snacks have added sugar. i don't want to start my son on sugar i would like to aviod it at all costs. Does any one know any good snacks for a 6 month old?????


New Food Ideas

Hey Mama's, My son will be 9 months old on Monday and he is eating table...

Eating In

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20 answers

Baby Doesn't like Gerber 3Rd Foods (Texture)

My daughter is 9 1/2 month old and I've been trying to give her the 3rd foods meals that are chunkier and she doesn't like it at all and gags. Tonite I attempted to give her pasta primavera flavor (it has tiny pearl pastas) and she made the gagging face and I kept trying but gave her small spoonfuls and she ended up throwing it up. No big deal for her. I opened up a jar of 2nd foods and she was fine and continued to eat the new food choice. She is doing well with other solid food, so far she's had banana, cheerios, Gerber crunchies, egg...

Eating Out

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46 answers

Gerber Baby Food Plastic Containers

With all the news coverage about concerns over plastics I've started checking the recycling codes on all the stuff our son uses. I noticed over the weekend that Gerber Baby food comes in plastic with a recycle code of 7 - which has been reported to contain BPA. I've emailed the company and for the time being have switched to brands (Earth's Best) that come in glass containers - but really miss the variety that Gerber offered. Any advice on making baby food at home or resources that explain how to make baby food? I'm pretty short on time...