Cooking: Infant, Maalox

53 answers

Desitin Diaper Cream

I have used Aveeno diaper cream on my daughter since birth with no problems. But when she got a rash it didnt seem to do much to heal so on rashes I used Destin. Well aveeno can be hard to find so I switched to Destin full time and I noticed my daughter crys when I change her diaper and put the cream on. Almost like the cream is burning her. She also messes with her self alot more when I change her like something her. Has this happened to anyone else?

Eating In

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80 answers

Infant with Reflux

I have a almost 5 month old baby boy with reflux. He was born 13 weeks early. The doctor has him on previcid and it has not seemed to work. We have him on the Similic Advance formula. He does ok the first half of his feed, then the rest of his feed he will fight eating. Sometimes after he burps it gets better. He spits up after almost every feed. He is gaining weight. I was wondering if anyone else has had these problems and what worked for you. I am thinking of calling the doctor and putting him on a different formula. He also will cry...


Not like to Cook

Hi, are there any mommies who do not like to cook (at all)!? If so, what do...