Drooling: A&D

Results 1-10 from 89 articles

Drool Rash

M.T. asks from Austin

My daughter is 15 weeks old and has a horrible drool rash on her cheeks. At least this is what we think it is. We have not taken her in to the pedi for this, but ca...


Drooling Baby

G.M. asks from Providence

Hi. I have a 6 month old baby who is always drooling due to teething. She drools so much that she has a rash on her chin and cheeks. I was wondering if anyone had ...


Rash Under Chin from Drooling

K.P. asks from New York

My 5 month old baby is drooling a lot lately from teething and putting everything in his mouth, and he now has a terrible rash on his neck under his chin. It's like ...


Rash from Drool?

E.W. asks from Dallas

My sweet 5 1/2 month old son has a horrible rash under his chin and upper chest from drooling. I have tried keeping a bib on him, changing his clothes, putting vasoli...


Rash from Drooling

C.M. asks from Los Angeles

My son will be six months next week and has been teething since he was four months. It has gotten worse and he is drooling all the time. He now wears a permanent bib ...


Drool Rash

M.B. asks from Austin

My 7 month olds drool rash is out of control. I have tried Aquafor, the lanolin nipple cream from Lansinoh, two prescriptions, a lanolin free nipple cream, organic sk...


Advice on Rash Caused by Constant Drooling

L.P. asks from Detroit

Looking for something to soothe and eliminate red blotchy spots on neck under chin. Have already tried vaseline, baby powder, chap stick, aveeno baby lotion with oat...


Advice for Chapped Skin Due to Drooling

K.P. asks from St. Louis

My daughter just turned 6 months old and is teething. She is drooling quite a bit, but not excessively. As a result, the area around her mouth is red and blotchy. ...


Follow up to Other Question-- Toddler Drooling Rash -- Worse -- Use Densitin???

J.R. asks from Miami

Hi All. You came up with great ideas to help my son's drooling rash. We do have an appt with a pediatric dermatologist, but in 2 weeks!!!! So...As I have tried Aquaph...


Is 2 Months Too Young?

R.M. asks from Hartford

My 2 month old seems to be teething. I thought they started way after this. She's drooling, gnawing on her fingers, and is very cranky, so it seems like teething to m...