Birthday: SwaddleMe

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15 answers

Weaning off the Swaddle

My 7.5-month-old son does reasonably well with his sleeping, but he's still dependent on being swaddled in order to fall asleep and stay asleep. In fact, he seems to be becoming more and more dependent on the swaddle: Now, even if he has just a hand out of the top of the swaddle, he tends to not be able to sleep until we reswaddle him. The problem is, he's also getting better and better at getting out of his swaddle (even though we use a SwaddleMe), leading to more times when he can't fall asleep or stay asleep because he's gotten out. We...


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10 answers

BabyShower Gifts for Twins??

Recently invited to a baby shower for twins, silly question but am I supposed to buy 2 gifts, one large.... Any suggestions.


Creative Gift Ideas

I am looking fro 2 great, unique gift ideas. One for a neighbor/ friend...


Baby Shower Gift

One of my good friend's is having a baby shower in a couple of weeks and I...