Diapers: Toddler, Arbonne Baby Care

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22 answers

Diapers! (Which Ones Are Your FAVORITE)

Hello Moms, I'm about to start buying diapers for my new bundle of job but every time I find myself in the diaper aisle, I can't decide which ones to get! LOL With my previous pregnancies, I used swaddlers until they hit size 3 and then I'd ususally switch to a store brand or huggies because I'm not crazy about the regular Pampers. However my issue for the new baby is MONEY! She was a very unexpected pregnancy and money is tight. When I see a box of LUVS online for $35 that has over 200 diapers in it and a box of Pampers for $30...

Cloth Diapers

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6 answers

Diaper Pail for Cloth Diapers

I have two babies in diapers and I'm new to cloth diapers. What is the best diaper pail to use? I'm using a regular diaper pail from Target right now but I've seen other, more expensive diaper pails sold on some of the cloth diapering websites. I'm washing every two days or less but things can still get fairly stinky. Just wondering if it's worth the money to invest in another diaper pail.

Disposable or Cloth

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69 answers

Cloth Diapers Vs. Disposable?

I was wondering what you ladies thought of cloth diapers vs. disposables? I used Pampers with my first child and spent a fortune, especially the first several months. Have any of you had experience with both and would recommend one over the other? I'm not real excited about washing poop in my washer machine, are diaper services worth it? Do they hold as much as disposable? What about "gdiapers"?


Cloth Vs. Disposable

Hubby and I are expecting our first bundle of joy in March. I'm looking...


Which Cloth Diaper?

I am on a quest to start using cloth diapers. My daughter is 17 mos. and...