Toys: Instep Safari

6 answers

Double Stroller Reviews

Ladies, I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and have a 2.5 yr old. I am looking into a double stroller and would like to hear what ones you recommend and why. Thanks!

Cars & Trucks

6 answers

Need Opinion on Which Double Jogging Stroller to Buy

I am in the market for a double jogging stroller or all-terrain stroller. I have a single one currently and am going to try and sell it. I have 2 young kids. One 2 yr old girl, and a 3 month old boy. I have been reading the reviews of customers of the ones I like and it is hard to decide. I want to pay $150-$200. The ones I like are the Baby Trend Expedition, In Step Safari and the Schwinn Free Wheeler. Does any one have one of these and what do you recommend? I will rarely use it for running, mainly walking Town Lake and Brushy Creek and...