Sleeping Habits: Nestle & Carnation

Baby Monitors

9 answers

Baby Budget - NEED NUMBERS!

We have a 1 week old baby! (Yay, I know - - - I'm overjoyed) But we're also going through a bit of a financial crisis at the same time so we are going through a financial counselor. He wants us to itemize out EVERYTHING & I mean EVERYTHING, for a month to get an average. I know that a newborn differs from a 6 month old & a 6month old differs from a 12 month old so let's compare. What do you spend & on WHAT exactly? How much on diapers? Formula? If not formula - how much on baby food? Clothes? Medicines Lotions/baby baths/etc...


Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she...

Soothing & Comforting

See all 14 articles
29 answers

Weaning My 6 Month Old

I plan on starting to wean my daughter after she turns 6 months old next week. I have about a 3 months supply of breastmilk frozen and plan on pumping until my supply is gone, however, I figure I will have to supplement formula as well. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good formula to use that is closest to breastmilk?? Also, has anyone had success with combining breastmilk and formula in the same bottle? --MORE INFO--My ped recommended starting my daughter on solids at 4 months and we have worked our way up to 3 meals a day on...